Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Ar. Tantri Oktavia, S.T., M.T., IAI.

Ar. Tantri Oktavia, S.T., M.T., IAI.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630042
NIDN: 0423108302

Lecturer Profile

Tantri Oktavia studied Architectural Engineering at UNPAR in 2002 and graduated in 2006 and immediately continued to the Masters of Architectural Engineering Unpar Masters in Architectural Design in the same year and graduated in 2008. Has an interest in technology and environmentally friendly design, and is a experts in the field of energy saving, especially in facade design. Since 2007 she has been a consultant for architecture, interior and environmentally friendly design (green, sustainable, energy saving), in the same year she started teaching at Maranatha Christian University, Undergraduate Study Program - Interior Design. Then in 2019 she was also actively teaching at the Undergraduate Study Program – Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Maranatha Christian University.

Ar. Tantri Oktavia, S.T., M.T., IAI.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630042
NIDN: 0423108302

Lecturer Profile

Tantri Oktavia studied Architectural Engineering at UNPAR in 2002 and graduated in 2006 and immediately continued to the Masters of Architectural Engineering Unpar Masters in Architectural Design in the same year and graduated in 2008. Has an interest in technology and environmentally friendly design, and is a experts in the field of energy saving, especially in facade design. Since 2007 she has been a consultant for architecture, interior and environmentally friendly design (green, sustainable, energy saving), in the same year she started teaching at Maranatha Christian University, Undergraduate Study Program - Interior Design. Then in 2019 she was also actively teaching at the Undergraduate Study Program – Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Maranatha Christian University.

Green Building Council Indonesia

Green Associate
Certification to learn about green design, analyze the built environment for a better survival
13 Juli 2017

The Resonance of Angklung Soul

Tantri Oktavia, Austantri Yuwono, Leonardo

Angklung has more meaning than just a musical instrument. The location of the church in Tanah Sunda makes GKP Awiligar want to make Angklung a unifying tool to gather the surrounding community by holding learning activities about how to play Angklung. The Church building was designed based on the reinvention of the instrument. The form of Angklung is used as an aesthetic element to emphasize identity. Bamboo (the basic material of Angklung) is used to control the interior acoustics of the Church. The Julang Ngapak roof (Sunda Roof Style) is used to allow the simultaneous movement of air in and out of the building from the intermediate spaces at the roof level. ‘Resonance’ in this context wants to see Angklung not only as an instrument that makes sound, but also creates something that has personal and deep meaning for a long time so that it has an impact on the souls who play, listen, and move in the building.


Item Type: Show/Exhibition
Subjects: N Fine Arts
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Maranatha
Date Deposited: 05 Apr 2020 03:37
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2020 03:37
URL: http://repository.maranatha.edu/id/eprint/27144

Sukajadi Culinary Night

Sukajadi – 2016
Thematic design for culinary night events and creating the features and icons of the Sukajadi sub-district


Kerjasama dengan Avian Brand dslam Rangka Pengecatan Sekolah Hidup Baru, Bandung (Pembuatan Mural)

Sekolah Hidup Baru, Bandung – 2017
Assistance in making mural designs from the design stage, from drawing to painting


Green Associate – 2017
Training how to design or analyze buildings to make them green


Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia

Arsitek Muda – 2019
Architect’s professional certification qualifications are assessed by the Architect’s Professional Council

Green Building Council Indonesia

Green Associate
Certification to learn about green design, analyze the built environment for a better survival
13 Juli 2017

The Resonance of Angklung Soul

Tantri Oktavia, Austantri Yuwono, Leonardo

Angklung has more meaning than just a musical instrument. The location of the church in Tanah Sunda makes GKP Awiligar want to make Angklung a unifying tool to gather the surrounding community by holding learning activities about how to play Angklung. The Church building was designed based on the reinvention of the instrument. The form of Angklung is used as an aesthetic element to emphasize identity. Bamboo (the basic material of Angklung) is used to control the interior acoustics of the Church. The Julang Ngapak roof (Sunda Roof Style) is used to allow the simultaneous movement of air in and out of the building from the intermediate spaces at the roof level. ‘Resonance’ in this context wants to see Angklung not only as an instrument that makes sound, but also creates something that has personal and deep meaning for a long time so that it has an impact on the souls who play, listen, and move in the building.


Item Type: Show/Exhibition
Subjects: N Fine Arts
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Maranatha
Date Deposited: 05 Apr 2020 03:37
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2020 03:37
URL: http://repository.maranatha.edu/id/eprint/27144

Sukajadi Culinary Night

Sukajadi – 2016
Thematic design for culinary night events and creating the features and icons of the Sukajadi sub-district


Kerjasama dengan Avian Brand dslam Rangka Pengecatan Sekolah Hidup Baru, Bandung (Pembuatan Mural)

Sekolah Hidup Baru, Bandung – 2017
Assistance in making mural designs from the design stage, from drawing to painting


Green Associate – 2017
Training how to design or analyze buildings to make them green


Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia

Arsitek Muda – 2019
Architect’s professional certification qualifications are assessed by the Architect’s Professional Council