Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Riki Himawan, S.Sn., M.M.

Riki Himawan, S.Sn., M.M.

Head of Bachelor Program in Visual Communication Design

NIK: 640078

Lecturer Profile

Riki Himawan completed his bachelor's degree majoring in Visual Communication Design ITB in 1999. Then continued his education to the Masters level in the Master of Management and Business Administration of Technology ITB. He started his career as an art director in an advertising company in Jakarta and then headed a design company in Bandung. He has been working as a lecturer since 2006 until now.

Riki Himawan, S.Sn., M.M.

Head of Bachelor Program in Visual Communication Design

NIK: 640078

Lecturer Profile

Riki Himawan completed his bachelor's degree majoring in Visual Communication Design ITB in 1999. Then continued his education to the Masters level in the Master of Management and Business Administration of Technology ITB. He started his career as an art director in an advertising company in Jakarta and then headed a design company in Bandung. He has been working as a lecturer since 2006 until now.

“Analisis Semiotik terhadap Game Pirates Ahoy!”

Jurnal: Serat Rupa (FSRD Maranatha)
Tahun : 2016
Analysis of a game from a semiotic perspective

Kajian Visual pada Iklan Media Cetak Berkala di Bandung, Jawa Barat Dekade 70

LPPM UK Maranatha – 2015
Research on advertising visuals in periodical print media in the city of Bandung

Mural Cikapundung

Cihampelas – 2017
Making Murals in the Cihampelas area

“Analisis Semiotik terhadap Game Pirates Ahoy!”

Jurnal: Serat Rupa (FSRD Maranatha)
Tahun : 2016
Analysis of a game from a semiotic perspective

Kajian Visual pada Iklan Media Cetak Berkala di Bandung, Jawa Barat Dekade 70

LPPM UK Maranatha – 2015
Research on advertising visuals in periodical print media in the city of Bandung

Mural Cikapundung

Cihampelas – 2017
Making Murals in the Cihampelas area