Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Drs. Rene Arthur Palit, M.Si.

Drs. Rene Arthur Palit, M.Si.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Visual Communication Design

NIK: 640005
NIDN: 0409035902

Lecturer Profile

Rene Arthur Palit took a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology FSRD with the topic of her final project on skills education visual campaign; thesis discusses visual persuasion in advertising. Continuing his master's degree at the UK Maranatha Faculty of Psychology with a thesis topic on advertising persuasion to smoking students. Previously worked in the Design bureau DECENTA pimp.Prof.AD.Pirous as a designer. Career as a lecturer: Assistant lecturer in graphic design ITB; Lecturer of graphic design at the Indonesian Design College and since 2000 has been working as a lecturer at FSRD UK Maranatha.

Drs. Rene Arthur Palit, M.Si.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Visual Communication Design

NIK: 640005
NIDN: 0409035902

Lecturer Profile

Rene Arthur Palit took a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology FSRD with the topic of her final project on skills education visual campaign; thesis discusses visual persuasion in advertising. Continuing his master's degree at the UK Maranatha Faculty of Psychology with a thesis topic on advertising persuasion to smoking students. Previously worked in the Design bureau DECENTA pimp.Prof.AD.Pirous as a designer. Career as a lecturer: Assistant lecturer in graphic design ITB; Lecturer of graphic design at the Indonesian Design College and since 2000 has been working as a lecturer at FSRD UK Maranatha.

Proceeding  Community Wellbeing, Semnas di UK Maranatha


Proceeding  Urban Acupuntur, Semnas di UK Maranatha


Proceeding  Fesema, Semnas FSRD UK Maranatha


Proceeding  Apartemen Bersubsidi, Semnas UK Maranatha


Reviewer Majalah Komunikasi Maranatha


Reviewer Jurnal FSRD Serat Rupa

Retorika Visual Iklan Majalah

LPPM UKM – 2007
Peneliti 2


Kajian Lontar Prasi Bali sebagai Inspirasi Desain Buku

LPPM UKM – 2009
Peneliti 1


Persuasi Iklan Rokok dan Perilaku Mahasiswa Perokok

Pasca Sarjana Psikologi UKM – 2013
Peneliti 1


Bentuk dan Fungsi Gambar dalam Budaya Bali

LPPM UKM – 2012
Buku-Tidak diterbitkan


Kajian Arketipal Kemasan teh Seduh

LPPM UKM – 2016


Desain Grafis: dari mata turun ke hati

Penerbit Kelir – 2009
Buku-diterbitkan oleh penerbit Kelir Bandung


Sejarah Seni Rupa dan Desain Grafis Indonesia

LPPM UKM – 2017


Konsep Visual Desain Grafis

LPPM UKM – 2017



Pameran Uno Flatu FSRD UKM


Pameran Internasional Hajad Jagad 2017


Pameran Internasional “Lets Draw” UPI Bandung 2015


Pameran Internasional GuangXi China 2016

Proceeding  Community Wellbeing, Semnas di UK Maranatha


Proceeding  Urban Acupuntur, Semnas di UK Maranatha


Proceeding  Fesema, Semnas FSRD UK Maranatha


Proceeding  Apartemen Bersubsidi, Semnas UK Maranatha


Reviewer Majalah Komunikasi Maranatha


Reviewer Jurnal FSRD Serat Rupa

Retorika Visual Iklan Majalah

LPPM UKM – 2007
Peneliti 2


Kajian Lontar Prasi Bali sebagai Inspirasi Desain Buku

LPPM UKM – 2009
Peneliti 1


Persuasi Iklan Rokok dan Perilaku Mahasiswa Perokok

Pasca Sarjana Psikologi UKM – 2013
Peneliti 1


Bentuk dan Fungsi Gambar dalam Budaya Bali

LPPM UKM – 2012
Buku-Tidak diterbitkan


Kajian Arketipal Kemasan teh Seduh

LPPM UKM – 2016


Desain Grafis: dari mata turun ke hati

Penerbit Kelir – 2009
Buku-diterbitkan oleh penerbit Kelir Bandung


Sejarah Seni Rupa dan Desain Grafis Indonesia

LPPM UKM – 2017


Konsep Visual Desain Grafis

LPPM UKM – 2017



Pameran Uno Flatu FSRD UKM


Pameran Internasional Hajad Jagad 2017


Pameran Internasional “Lets Draw” UPI Bandung 2015


Pameran Internasional GuangXi China 2016