Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

R. Belinda Sukapura Dewi, M.Sn.

R. Belinda Sukapura Dewi, M.Sn.

Dosen Program Sarjana Seni Murni

NIK: 620010

Lecturer Profile

Belinda graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with a bachelor's and master's degree. She majored in painting and is actively painting until now. Apart from painting, Belinda participates in seminars, and conducts art research. He also participates in and organizes several social activities with his faculty. Currently, she teaches at the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at Maranatha Christian University and actively participates in exhibitions with her group of 22 women (a group consisting of art teachers and lecturers).

R. Belinda Sukapura Dewi, M.Sn.

Dosen Program Sarjana Seni Murni

NIK: 620010

Lecturer Profile

Belinda graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with a bachelor's and master's degree. She majored in painting and is actively painting until now. Apart from painting, Belinda participates in seminars, and conducts art research. He also participates in and organizes several social activities with his faculty. Currently, she teaches at the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at Maranatha Christian University and actively participates in exhibitions with her group of 22 women (a group consisting of art teachers and lecturers).

ADRI (Asosiasi Dosen Republik Indonesia)

No. Tahun  Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal
1. 2018 Kajian Lukis Still Life Jelekong ATRAT
No. Tahun  Judul Makalah Seminar Ilmiah Nama Seminar Ilmiah
1. 2019 The Mythos of Nyai Roro Kidul and Sea Life as an Inspiration Alternative to Development The Motifs of Java Coast of Batik Storytelling International Conference ARTIES 2019, ISI Yogyakarta
2. 2019 Understanding of Marine through Creativity of Batik Painting in Art Education Seminar International ICADE
3. 2019 Narasi  Visual Cerita Legnda dalam Karya Seni Lukis Batik Seminar Nasional UNOFLATU
No.  Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
1. 2018 Pelatihan Pembuatan Baju Tanpa Pola
2. 2018 Melukis dengan Media Batik Lilin Dingin
3. 2018 Melukis dengan Media Eco Green
4. 2018 Melukis Kaligrafi
No. Tahun  Judul Pameran
1. 2018 An International Art Exhibition – Exhibition of Cultural Heritage and Friendship Indonesia-Japan. Asia Art and Culture Association School of Tokyo Indonesian (SRIT), Jepang
2. 2018 An International Art Exhibition – Exhibition of Cultural Heritage and Friendship Indonesia-Japan. Asia Art and Culture Association (AACA), Jepang
3. 2018 Pameran “Sang Subjek” di Bentara Budaya Bali. Workshop Batik Lilin Dingin. Timbang Pandang
4. 2018 Pameran Et Cetera #1. Galeri Thee Huis Provinsi Jawa Barat
5. 2018 Pameran Mitos dan Legenda Indonesia dalam Ekspresi Batik Gutta Tamarind. Museum Basuki Abdullah, Jakarta
6. 2018-2019 Pameran Reimagining the Myth Story of Nusantara. Workshop Batik Lilin Dingin. Galeri Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Tionghoa
7. 2019 Pameran Mooi Indie. Galeri R. Universitas Trisakti Jakarta
8. 2019 Pameran Inter Relation, Art Space Maranatha
9. 2019 Indonesia Myths and Legends on Gutta Tamarind Batik Artwork Exhibition & Workshop. Kampong Indonesia Kungstradgarden, Stockholm, Swedia
10. 2019 Pameran Sharira, Workshop Batik Gutta Tamarind. Galeri Thee Huis, Taman Budaya Provinsi Jawa Barat
11. 2019 Pameran Bersama Para Perupa Jawa Barat dalam rangka Anugeran Barli “Daur Hidup”. Gedung Sate, Bandung
12. 2019 Exhibition on Hari Batik Nasional. Universitas Podomoro & Neo Soho, Jakarta
13. 2019 Meretas Kertas di ISI Surakarta. Galeri FSRD, Solo
14. 2019 Pameran International Unoflatu, Maranatha Art Space
15. 2020 Pameran Fabel Nusantara, GSPI Bandung
16. 2020 Pameran Virtual: International ASEAN Digital Art Society (ASEDAS) 2020

1st International Virtual Digital Art Exhibition 34 Countries

17. 2020 Pameran Online I Care I Exist Prodi Seni Rupa Murni
18. 2020 International Virtual Exhibition Let’s Talk About Folklore From 4 Continents
19. 2020 Pameran Virtual Solo Exhibition “Number”
20. 2020 Pameran Online Imaji – Anugerah Barli
21. 2020 Pameran International Virtual Let’s Talk About Folklore From 4 Continents
22. 2020 Pameran Virtual International “Women, Art, and Fabel Archipelago”, UPSI Malaysia
23. 2020 Pameran Nusantara: Corak dan Ragam Nusantara
24. 2020 Pameran Kembang Kertas Sejagat Mewangi Nusantara
25. 2020 Pameran Virtual International Pandemic Aesthetic Maranaha

ADRI (Asosiasi Dosen Republik Indonesia)

No. Tahun  Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal
1. 2018 Kajian Lukis Still Life Jelekong ATRAT
No. Tahun  Judul Makalah Seminar Ilmiah Nama Seminar Ilmiah
1. 2019 The Mythos of Nyai Roro Kidul and Sea Life as an Inspiration Alternative to Development The Motifs of Java Coast of Batik Storytelling International Conference ARTIES 2019, ISI Yogyakarta
2. 2019 Understanding of Marine through Creativity of Batik Painting in Art Education Seminar International ICADE
3. 2019 Narasi  Visual Cerita Legnda dalam Karya Seni Lukis Batik Seminar Nasional UNOFLATU
No.  Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
1. 2018 Pelatihan Pembuatan Baju Tanpa Pola
2. 2018 Melukis dengan Media Batik Lilin Dingin
3. 2018 Melukis dengan Media Eco Green
4. 2018 Melukis Kaligrafi
No. Tahun  Judul Pameran
1. 2018 An International Art Exhibition – Exhibition of Cultural Heritage and Friendship Indonesia-Japan. Asia Art and Culture Association School of Tokyo Indonesian (SRIT), Jepang
2. 2018 An International Art Exhibition – Exhibition of Cultural Heritage and Friendship Indonesia-Japan. Asia Art and Culture Association (AACA), Jepang
3. 2018 Pameran “Sang Subjek” di Bentara Budaya Bali. Workshop Batik Lilin Dingin. Timbang Pandang
4. 2018 Pameran Et Cetera #1. Galeri Thee Huis Provinsi Jawa Barat
5. 2018 Pameran Mitos dan Legenda Indonesia dalam Ekspresi Batik Gutta Tamarind. Museum Basuki Abdullah, Jakarta
6. 2018-2019 Pameran Reimagining the Myth Story of Nusantara. Workshop Batik Lilin Dingin. Galeri Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Tionghoa
7. 2019 Pameran Mooi Indie. Galeri R. Universitas Trisakti Jakarta
8. 2019 Pameran Inter Relation, Art Space Maranatha
9. 2019 Indonesia Myths and Legends on Gutta Tamarind Batik Artwork Exhibition & Workshop. Kampong Indonesia Kungstradgarden, Stockholm, Swedia
10. 2019 Pameran Sharira, Workshop Batik Gutta Tamarind. Galeri Thee Huis, Taman Budaya Provinsi Jawa Barat
11. 2019 Pameran Bersama Para Perupa Jawa Barat dalam rangka Anugeran Barli “Daur Hidup”. Gedung Sate, Bandung
12. 2019 Exhibition on Hari Batik Nasional. Universitas Podomoro & Neo Soho, Jakarta
13. 2019 Meretas Kertas di ISI Surakarta. Galeri FSRD, Solo
14. 2019 Pameran International Unoflatu, Maranatha Art Space
15. 2020 Pameran Fabel Nusantara, GSPI Bandung
16. 2020 Pameran Virtual: International ASEAN Digital Art Society (ASEDAS) 2020

1st International Virtual Digital Art Exhibition 34 Countries

17. 2020 Pameran Online I Care I Exist Prodi Seni Rupa Murni
18. 2020 International Virtual Exhibition Let’s Talk About Folklore From 4 Continents
19. 2020 Pameran Virtual Solo Exhibition “Number”
20. 2020 Pameran Online Imaji – Anugerah Barli
21. 2020 Pameran International Virtual Let’s Talk About Folklore From 4 Continents
22. 2020 Pameran Virtual International “Women, Art, and Fabel Archipelago”, UPSI Malaysia
23. 2020 Pameran Nusantara: Corak dan Ragam Nusantara
24. 2020 Pameran Kembang Kertas Sejagat Mewangi Nusantara
25. 2020 Pameran Virtual International Pandemic Aesthetic Maranaha