Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

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Ar. Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto, S.T., M.T., IAI.

Ar. Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto, S.T., M.T., IAI.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630089
NIDN: 0402069202

Lecturer Profile

Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto studied S1 Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University in 2010 and graduated in 2014 followed by Master of Design at Parahyangan Catholic University in 2014 and graduated in 2016 with a specialization in Housing and Settlements. Since 2018, she has been actively teaching at the S1 Study Program – Interior Design, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Maranatha Christian University, then in 2019 actively taught at the S1 Study Program – Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Maranatha Christian University. From June 2019 to June 2020 she served as Secretary of the S-1 Architecture Study Program. Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto is also registered with the Indonesian Architects Association as an Ordinary Member since 2017 and has a Young Architect Expertise Certificate.

Ar. Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto, S.T., M.T., IAI.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630089
NIDN: 0402069202

Lecturer Profile

Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto studied S1 Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University in 2010 and graduated in 2014 followed by Master of Design at Parahyangan Catholic University in 2014 and graduated in 2016 with a specialization in Housing and Settlements. Since 2018, she has been actively teaching at the S1 Study Program – Interior Design, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Maranatha Christian University, then in 2019 actively taught at the S1 Study Program – Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Maranatha Christian University. From June 2019 to June 2020 she served as Secretary of the S-1 Architecture Study Program. Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto is also registered with the Indonesian Architects Association as an Ordinary Member since 2017 and has a Young Architect Expertise Certificate.

Indonesian Shophouse Design Development Based On The Establishment Of Community and Social Aspect

Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto

The existence of shophouse in Indonesia has been started in the 17th century at the Colonial Era brought by Chinese traders. Shophouse is considered as a solution of the increasing density of population in Indonesia and land limitation. Shophouse typology adapt along with time and its surroundings. Along with its development, nowadays shophouse’s design had its own problem. Basically shophouse is supposed to accomodate two functions which is residential and stores but its residential function become less dominant than its commercial function. One of the causes is the shophouse design can’t meet the resident’s social needs satisfaction. Method that used in this research is comparative by comparing shophouse design in Colonial era with shophouse design that commonly found in Indonesia. Based on the study, it showed that the shophouse design in Colonial era was able to accommodate social functions among the inhabitants while the shophouse design that is commonly found in Indonesia focused in terms of economy (how quickly sold) and ignore the residential needs in their design. The study is expected to provide benefits in shophouse design in future and can contribute the knowledge in the realm of architecture.


Vol 1 No 2 (2017): ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur | January 2017 ~ June 2017

Kegiatan Pengabdian
  1. 2019 , Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : “Christmas and New Year’s Decorations at Immanuel Hospital Bandung (Area Lobby Alkema)”

  2. 2019, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : “ Kertajaya Bumdes Water Business”

  3. 2019, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : “Designing the “Panon Poe” Sun Stylized Public Sculpture in the Oxbow Bale Endah Tourism Destination Area, Dayeuh Kolot, Bojongsoang”

  4. 2018, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : “In Order to Support Wall Painting in RT 11 / RW 12, Dago Village, Coblong District, Cooperation with Indonesia Care Mikaasih Bandung (Phase 1 – Making Basic Illustration Otline)”


  1. 2020, Implementation of Drinking Water Business in Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Kertajaya, Cianjur

Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia

Arsitek Muda
Architect’s professional certification qualifications are assessed by the Architect’s Professional Council

Indonesian Shophouse Design Development Based On The Establishment Of Community and Social Aspect

Nathalia Yunita Sugiharto

The existence of shophouse in Indonesia has been started in the 17th century at the Colonial Era brought by Chinese traders. Shophouse is considered as a solution of the increasing density of population in Indonesia and land limitation. Shophouse typology adapt along with time and its surroundings. Along with its development, nowadays shophouse’s design had its own problem. Basically shophouse is supposed to accomodate two functions which is residential and stores but its residential function become less dominant than its commercial function. One of the causes is the shophouse design can’t meet the resident’s social needs satisfaction. Method that used in this research is comparative by comparing shophouse design in Colonial era with shophouse design that commonly found in Indonesia. Based on the study, it showed that the shophouse design in Colonial era was able to accommodate social functions among the inhabitants while the shophouse design that is commonly found in Indonesia focused in terms of economy (how quickly sold) and ignore the residential needs in their design. The study is expected to provide benefits in shophouse design in future and can contribute the knowledge in the realm of architecture.


Vol 1 No 2 (2017): ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur | January 2017 ~ June 2017

Kegiatan Pengabdian
  1. 2019 , Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : “Christmas and New Year’s Decorations at Immanuel Hospital Bandung (Area Lobby Alkema)”

  2. 2019, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : “ Kertajaya Bumdes Water Business”

  3. 2019, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : “Designing the “Panon Poe” Sun Stylized Public Sculpture in the Oxbow Bale Endah Tourism Destination Area, Dayeuh Kolot, Bojongsoang”

  4. 2018, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat : “In Order to Support Wall Painting in RT 11 / RW 12, Dago Village, Coblong District, Cooperation with Indonesia Care Mikaasih Bandung (Phase 1 – Making Basic Illustration Otline)”


  1. 2020, Implementation of Drinking Water Business in Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Kertajaya, Cianjur

Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia

Arsitek Muda
Architect’s professional certification qualifications are assessed by the Architect’s Professional Council