Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Miki Tjandra, B.Ds., M.Ds.

Miki Tjandra, B.Ds., M.Ds.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Visual Communication Design

NIK: 640058
NIDN: 0404087209

Lecturer Profile

Miki Tjandra graduated with a bachelor's degree in graphic design at Swinburne University of Technology - Australia and continued his master's studies at the Bandung Institute of Technology - Indonesia with expertise in Branding, Packaging, Typography, and Printing Technology. In the early days after graduating from college I worked in printing and later became a graphic designer. After 9 years working in a design company, I chose to become a lecturer at Maranatha Christian University. I have been a lecturer for 11 years. I really enjoy teaching and sharing knowledge with my students. I have a special interest in typography, packaging design, logos and branding, as well as concepts of thought and research that support the creation of a good design work.

Miki Tjandra, B.Ds., M.Ds.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Visual Communication Design

NIK: 640058
NIDN: 0404087209

Lecturer Profile

Miki Tjandra graduated with a bachelor's degree in graphic design at Swinburne University of Technology - Australia and continued his master's studies at the Bandung Institute of Technology - Indonesia with expertise in Branding, Packaging, Typography, and Printing Technology. In the early days after graduating from college I worked in printing and later became a graphic designer. After 9 years working in a design company, I chose to become a lecturer at Maranatha Christian University. I have been a lecturer for 11 years. I really enjoy teaching and sharing knowledge with my students. I have a special interest in typography, packaging design, logos and branding, as well as concepts of thought and research that support the creation of a good design work.

D&AD (anggota sejak tahun 2014) singkatan dari ‘British Design and Art Direction’


Deskripsi D&AD :

Since 1962, D&AD has been inspiring a community of creative thinkers by celebrating and stimulating the finest in design and advertising. The D&AD Professional Awards are recognised globally as the ultimate creative accolade, entered and attended by the best from around the world.

As a non-profit advertising and design association, all D&AD’s surpluses go straight into programmes such as New Blood, inspiring the next generation of creative talent and stimulating the creative industry to work towards a fairer more sustainable future.

D&AD is a Member-run organisation, led by an elected Board of Trustees. Each year D&AD appoints a President from the Board of Trustees to lead the charge and shape the conversations for the year ahead. The job of the president is to galvanise the creative communities and bring them together to inspire and celebrate the finest in design and advertising.

  • ReFresh Conference: Interactive forum with LOWE Lintas

    Communication and LANDOR Associates Indonesia, 20 Februari 2004

  • Seminar “Dari Komik ke Animasi Merubah Hobby jadi Profesi” (Aviation 174)

    Pembicara: Infinite Frameworks, 26 Februari 2011

  • Seminar dan Workshop Unity3D

    Pembicara: Brett Bibby, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 28 Mei 2012

  • Seminar dan Pelatihan Penulisan Buku

    Pembicara: Joko Irawan Mumpuni, Penerbit Andi, 31 Juli 2012

  • Seminar Peningkatan Penelitian dan Budaya Meneliti

    Pembicara: Benjamin Soenarko, 5 Februari 2013

Perancangan permainan digital kisah Dewa Ruci sebagai media pengenalan wayang bagi remaja

ITB – 2012
Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Wimba Vol.4 No.1 2012


Analisis kritis visualisasi game Cooking Mama dalam konteks ideologi dan simulasi

UK Maranatha – 2016
Jurnal Serat Rupa Vol.1 No.1 2016


Perancangan permainan digital kisah Dewa Ruci sebagai media pengenalan wayang bagi remaja



Analisis kritis visualisasi game Cooking Mama dalam konteks ideologi dan simulas


Pelatihan Komputer Grafis dan Pembuatan Kemasan Sederhana

Kubca Samakta – 2013
Oktober – Desember 2013 (3 bulan)


Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Kompos Cair dan Baju Tanpa Pola

Babakan Jeruk – 2014
21 Maret 2014


Pelatihan Pembuatan Majalah Dinding

SMP Indonesia Raya – 2015
12 Mei 2015


Pembuatan Layout Desain Diktat bagi Guru SMA

SMA Trimulia – 2016
17 Juni 2016


Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Menentukan STP

Kelurahan Sukagalih – 2016
9 September 2016

D&AD (anggota sejak tahun 2014) singkatan dari ‘British Design and Art Direction’


Deskripsi D&AD :

Since 1962, D&AD has been inspiring a community of creative thinkers by celebrating and stimulating the finest in design and advertising. The D&AD Professional Awards are recognised globally as the ultimate creative accolade, entered and attended by the best from around the world.

As a non-profit advertising and design association, all D&AD’s surpluses go straight into programmes such as New Blood, inspiring the next generation of creative talent and stimulating the creative industry to work towards a fairer more sustainable future.

D&AD is a Member-run organisation, led by an elected Board of Trustees. Each year D&AD appoints a President from the Board of Trustees to lead the charge and shape the conversations for the year ahead. The job of the president is to galvanise the creative communities and bring them together to inspire and celebrate the finest in design and advertising.

  • ReFresh Conference: Interactive forum with LOWE Lintas

    Communication and LANDOR Associates Indonesia, 20 Februari 2004

  • Seminar “Dari Komik ke Animasi Merubah Hobby jadi Profesi” (Aviation 174)

    Pembicara: Infinite Frameworks, 26 Februari 2011

  • Seminar dan Workshop Unity3D

    Pembicara: Brett Bibby, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 28 Mei 2012

  • Seminar dan Pelatihan Penulisan Buku

    Pembicara: Joko Irawan Mumpuni, Penerbit Andi, 31 Juli 2012

  • Seminar Peningkatan Penelitian dan Budaya Meneliti

    Pembicara: Benjamin Soenarko, 5 Februari 2013

Perancangan permainan digital kisah Dewa Ruci sebagai media pengenalan wayang bagi remaja

ITB – 2012
Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Wimba Vol.4 No.1 2012


Analisis kritis visualisasi game Cooking Mama dalam konteks ideologi dan simulasi

UK Maranatha – 2016
Jurnal Serat Rupa Vol.1 No.1 2016


Perancangan permainan digital kisah Dewa Ruci sebagai media pengenalan wayang bagi remaja



Analisis kritis visualisasi game Cooking Mama dalam konteks ideologi dan simulas


Pelatihan Komputer Grafis dan Pembuatan Kemasan Sederhana

Kubca Samakta – 2013
Oktober – Desember 2013 (3 bulan)


Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Kompos Cair dan Baju Tanpa Pola

Babakan Jeruk – 2014
21 Maret 2014


Pelatihan Pembuatan Majalah Dinding

SMP Indonesia Raya – 2015
12 Mei 2015


Pembuatan Layout Desain Diktat bagi Guru SMA

SMA Trimulia – 2016
17 Juni 2016


Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Menentukan STP

Kelurahan Sukagalih – 2016
9 September 2016