Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Lisa Levina Krisanti Jonatan, A.Md. Li., S.Sn., M.Ds.

Lisa Levina Krisanti Jonatan, A.Md. Li., S.Sn., M.Ds.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Interior Design

NIK: 630070
NIDN: 0422128402

Lecturer Profile

Lisa Levina Krisanti Jonatan studied S1 Art and Design and D3 English at Maranatha Christian University in 2002 and graduated in 2006. After graduating, she worked for an American foreign company, Sequoia Contract Works 2007-2008. In 2009 she returned to Bandung to become the Co-Founder of Alpha Interior until now. She continued her Masters in Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2010 and graduated in 2013. Since 2013 she has been actively teaching at the Undergraduate Program - Interior Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Maranatha Christian University. Maranatha.

Lisa Levina Krisanti Jonatan, A.Md. Li., S.Sn., M.Ds.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Interior Design

NIK: 630070
NIDN: 0422128402

Lecturer Profile

Lisa Levina Krisanti Jonatan studied S1 Art and Design and D3 English at Maranatha Christian University in 2002 and graduated in 2006. After graduating, she worked for an American foreign company, Sequoia Contract Works 2007-2008. In 2009 she returned to Bandung to become the Co-Founder of Alpha Interior until now. She continued her Masters in Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2010 and graduated in 2013. Since 2013 she has been actively teaching at the Undergraduate Program - Interior Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Maranatha Christian University. Maranatha.

Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII)

Jurnal Abdimas Unwahas,Vol 5 – No 2

Interior Redesign of Batak Karo Protestant Church, West Bandung


Jurnal Rupa Vol 5 No 2

Study of Eclectic Design Style on Sagoo Kitchen Interior in Bandung


Jurnal Dimensi Vol. 18, No. 1

Changes in the Functions of the Inner Room at the Kacirebonan Palace


Study of Eclectic Design Style on Sagoo Kitchen Interior in Bandung


In the current global culture continues to run with the concept of modernism that form follows function and formalism, there are some people who choose a lifestyle that is the opposite of postmodernism. Meaning of postmodernism is so diverse that the key concepts necessary to identify, one eclecticism. Eclecticism concept is translated into the term double-coding or double meanings (both directions) where the realization of aesthetic language idioms associated with the new aesthetic.The approach is made to the object of study, Sagoo Restaurant in analyzing the meaning of philosophy and the visual design of interior space.


JURNAL RUPA, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 96-101, feb. 2021. ISSN 2503-1066

Gereja Batak Karo Protestan (GBKP) Bandung Barat

Interior Design of the Batak Karo Protestant Church (GBKP) West Bandung


Klinik Kopo Sentral Medika – Bandung

Making Mural and Playground of Kopo Sentral Medika Clinic

Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII)

Jurnal Abdimas Unwahas,Vol 5 – No 2

Interior Redesign of Batak Karo Protestant Church, West Bandung


Jurnal Rupa Vol 5 No 2

Study of Eclectic Design Style on Sagoo Kitchen Interior in Bandung


Jurnal Dimensi Vol. 18, No. 1

Changes in the Functions of the Inner Room at the Kacirebonan Palace


Study of Eclectic Design Style on Sagoo Kitchen Interior in Bandung


In the current global culture continues to run with the concept of modernism that form follows function and formalism, there are some people who choose a lifestyle that is the opposite of postmodernism. Meaning of postmodernism is so diverse that the key concepts necessary to identify, one eclecticism. Eclecticism concept is translated into the term double-coding or double meanings (both directions) where the realization of aesthetic language idioms associated with the new aesthetic.The approach is made to the object of study, Sagoo Restaurant in analyzing the meaning of philosophy and the visual design of interior space.


JURNAL RUPA, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 96-101, feb. 2021. ISSN 2503-1066

Gereja Batak Karo Protestan (GBKP) Bandung Barat

Interior Design of the Batak Karo Protestant Church (GBKP) West Bandung


Klinik Kopo Sentral Medika – Bandung

Making Mural and Playground of Kopo Sentral Medika Clinic