Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Dr. Krismanto Kusbiantoro, S.T., M.T.

Dr. Krismanto Kusbiantoro, S.T., M.T.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Innovation and Partnership

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630012
NIDN: 0422027902

Lecturer Profile

Krismanto Kusbiantoro studied S1 at the Department of Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University in 1997 and graduated in 2001. Then continued his studies at the Masters Program in Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University and graduated in 2003 with a graduation with honors and was awarded as the youngest master graduate at the 2003 graduation In 2003, he worked in a housing development company in North Bandung. Since 2005, he has been actively teaching at the Interior Design Study Program, Faculty of Art and Design UK Maranatha. In 2008 he continued his studies at the Doctoral Program at Parahyangan Catholic University and graduated in 2014. In 2008 he established the Center for Chinese Diaspora Studies at Maranatha Christian University, and together with 7 universities in Indonesia, China and Japan and formed a consortium and held the International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies (ICCIS) since 2010. In 2019 he became one of the founders of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at UK Maranatha. Currently, he is active as an educator, researcher, and speaker in various scientific forums, both national and international. His fields are phenomenology in architecture, Chinese diaspora architecture and also vernacular architecture. In 2020 together with other phenomenological researchers formed the Indonesian Phenomenological Community.

Dr. Krismanto Kusbiantoro, S.T., M.T.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Innovation and Partnership

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630012
NIDN: 0422027902

Lecturer Profile

Krismanto Kusbiantoro studied S1 at the Department of Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University in 1997 and graduated in 2001. Then continued his studies at the Masters Program in Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University and graduated in 2003 with a graduation with honors and was awarded as the youngest master graduate at the 2003 graduation In 2003, he worked in a housing development company in North Bandung. Since 2005, he has been actively teaching at the Interior Design Study Program, Faculty of Art and Design UK Maranatha. In 2008 he continued his studies at the Doctoral Program at Parahyangan Catholic University and graduated in 2014. In 2008 he established the Center for Chinese Diaspora Studies at Maranatha Christian University, and together with 7 universities in Indonesia, China and Japan and formed a consortium and held the International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies (ICCIS) since 2010. In 2019 he became one of the founders of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at UK Maranatha. Currently, he is active as an educator, researcher, and speaker in various scientific forums, both national and international. His fields are phenomenology in architecture, Chinese diaspora architecture and also vernacular architecture. In 2020 together with other phenomenological researchers formed the Indonesian Phenomenological Community.

Modernisasi dan Komersialisasi Uma Masyarakat Mentawai

Krismanto Kusbiantoro, Roy Anthonius, Iwan Santosa
The main traditional residence of the Mentawai people is the uma. For the Mentawai people, uma is not just an ordinary house. Uma is a center of life as well as identity, both social and spiritual, and the identity of the Mentawai people. Uma is a testament to the skills of the Mentawai people in carpentry work. The Uma is built without nails and uses only a notched cross joint system and a peg system. The rapid development of time and technology has had an impact on uma compositions, which were originally built with traditional architectural tectonic wisdom, now feature hybrid compositions with modern tectonics and even commercial value. This phenomenon is interesting to be researched and studied in order to preserve the value of local wisdom in uma. This paper attempts to explain the above phenomenon through a description of 2 uma buildings of a tribe in Mentawai, one of which is an ex-uma that has been abandoned and the other is an uma which they are currently using but features a hybrid composition due to modernization. Descriptions will be disclosed including the dimensions of the form, construction system, material selection and meaning. In the end, uma is more dominantly a conceptual idea than a physical entity. The functions and activities of the uma are far more important than their physical composition. Therefore, modernization and commercialization are unavoidable and instead become a new color giver in contemporary uma compositions.

Keywords: uma, Mentawai, modern, hybrid


Perancangan Interior Area Mimbar Gereja Baptis Pertama, Bandung

Bandung – 2010
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha


Perancangan Gereja Katolik St. Bonifasius Leko – Teluk Dalam, Nias Selatan

Nias – 2011
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Keuskupan Sibolga


Perancangan Interior dan Eksterior Gereja Katolik St. Fransiskus Asisi – Kolhua Kupang, NTT

Kupang – 2012
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Paroki St. Fransiskus Asisi


Perancangan Pastoran Gereja St. Mikhael Waringin, Bandung

Bandung – 2013
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha


Perancangan Kapel Panti Asuhan Alma, Gunung Sitoli – Nias

Nias – 2015
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Paroki Salib Suci Nias Barat


Perancangan Pastoran Gereja St. Matias, Amandraya – Nias Selatan

Nias – 2015
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Paroki St. Matias Nias Selatan

Localizing the Universal Values of Christianity in Local Church Design of Indonesia: towards sustainability” dalam Taylor, Mark (Ed.); Interior Design and Architecture: Critical and Primary Sources Vol. 4

Bloomsbury, London

Modernisasi dan Komersialisasi Uma Masyarakat Mentawai

Krismanto Kusbiantoro, Roy Anthonius, Iwan Santosa
The main traditional residence of the Mentawai people is the uma. For the Mentawai people, uma is not just an ordinary house. Uma is a center of life as well as identity, both social and spiritual, and the identity of the Mentawai people. Uma is a testament to the skills of the Mentawai people in carpentry work. The Uma is built without nails and uses only a notched cross joint system and a peg system. The rapid development of time and technology has had an impact on uma compositions, which were originally built with traditional architectural tectonic wisdom, now feature hybrid compositions with modern tectonics and even commercial value. This phenomenon is interesting to be researched and studied in order to preserve the value of local wisdom in uma. This paper attempts to explain the above phenomenon through a description of 2 uma buildings of a tribe in Mentawai, one of which is an ex-uma that has been abandoned and the other is an uma which they are currently using but features a hybrid composition due to modernization. Descriptions will be disclosed including the dimensions of the form, construction system, material selection and meaning. In the end, uma is more dominantly a conceptual idea than a physical entity. The functions and activities of the uma are far more important than their physical composition. Therefore, modernization and commercialization are unavoidable and instead become a new color giver in contemporary uma compositions.

Keywords: uma, Mentawai, modern, hybrid


Perancangan Interior Area Mimbar Gereja Baptis Pertama, Bandung

Bandung – 2010
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha


Perancangan Gereja Katolik St. Bonifasius Leko – Teluk Dalam, Nias Selatan

Nias – 2011
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Keuskupan Sibolga


Perancangan Interior dan Eksterior Gereja Katolik St. Fransiskus Asisi – Kolhua Kupang, NTT

Kupang – 2012
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Paroki St. Fransiskus Asisi


Perancangan Pastoran Gereja St. Mikhael Waringin, Bandung

Bandung – 2013
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha


Perancangan Kapel Panti Asuhan Alma, Gunung Sitoli – Nias

Nias – 2015
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Paroki Salib Suci Nias Barat


Perancangan Pastoran Gereja St. Matias, Amandraya – Nias Selatan

Nias – 2015
Didanai oleh Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Paroki St. Matias Nias Selatan