Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

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Jeanyfer, S.S., M.Hum.

Jeanyfer, S.S., M.Hum.

Dosen Program Sarjana Sastra Inggris


Lecturer Profile

Jeanyfer is a tenured teaching staff at the Bachelor Programme in English, Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Maranatha Christian University, since 2013. She has a passion in interdisciplinary linguistics, especially semiotics, functional systemic linguistics, forensic linguistics, gender, and narratology.

  • Master’s Degree in Linguistics, Linguistic Study Program, Indonesian Education University (2015-2017)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature at the Bachelor Programme in English, Maranatha Christian University (2002-2006)

Jeanyfer, S.S., M.Hum.

Dosen Program Sarjana Sastra Inggris


Lecturer Profile

Jeanyfer is a tenured teaching staff at the Bachelor Programme in English, Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Maranatha Christian University, since 2013. She has a passion in interdisciplinary linguistics, especially semiotics, functional systemic linguistics, forensic linguistics, gender, and narratology.

  • Master’s Degree in Linguistics, Linguistic Study Program, Indonesian Education University (2015-2017)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature at the Bachelor Programme in English, Maranatha Christian University (2002-2006)
  • Female Traditional Gender Roles in the Brothers Grimms’ Sleeping Beauty: An Actantial Model Analysis, Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature), 2023 (journal)
  • A Rhetorical Move Analysis of Men’s and Women’s Suicide Notes, JOLL (Journal of Language and Literature), 2022 (journal)
  • Racism in Roald Dahl’s The BFG: A Social Criticism or White Supremacy Tendency?, K@ta, 2020 (journal)
  • Linguistics
  • Cultural Studies
  • Female Traditional Gender Roles in the Brothers Grimms’ Sleeping Beauty: An Actantial Model Analysis, Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature), 2023 (journal)
  • A Rhetorical Move Analysis of Men’s and Women’s Suicide Notes, JOLL (Journal of Language and Literature), 2022 (journal)
  • Racism in Roald Dahl’s The BFG: A Social Criticism or White Supremacy Tendency?, K@ta, 2020 (journal)
  • Linguistics
  • Cultural Studies