Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Ir. Irfan Nurrachman, M.Ds.

Ir. Irfan Nurrachman, M.Ds.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Interior Design

NIK: 630037
NIDN: 0431106604

Lecturer Profile

Irfan Nurrachman completed his undergraduate study at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning at Bandung Institute of Technology in 1992. In 2009, he continued his studies at the Masters Program in Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology. Irfan joined Maranatha Christian University since 2003 at the Maranatha Art and Design Center (MADC) and in 2007 became a teaching staff at the Undergraduate Program in Interior Design, Faculty of Arts and Design. He is a member of the Technology and Media Expertise Group (KBK). Irfan holds an interest in information and communication technology, especially those related to the use of computer technology in the field of interior design, both to assist the design process, presentation and development of digital-based design learning aids. Irfan also has been actively managing the IRF 3D YouTube channel which contains various tutorials related to interior design presentations using a multitude of software.

Ir. Irfan Nurrachman, M.Ds.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Interior Design

NIK: 630037
NIDN: 0431106604

Lecturer Profile

Irfan Nurrachman completed his undergraduate study at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning at Bandung Institute of Technology in 1992. In 2009, he continued his studies at the Masters Program in Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology. Irfan joined Maranatha Christian University since 2003 at the Maranatha Art and Design Center (MADC) and in 2007 became a teaching staff at the Undergraduate Program in Interior Design, Faculty of Arts and Design. He is a member of the Technology and Media Expertise Group (KBK). Irfan holds an interest in information and communication technology, especially those related to the use of computer technology in the field of interior design, both to assist the design process, presentation and development of digital-based design learning aids. Irfan also has been actively managing the IRF 3D YouTube channel which contains various tutorials related to interior design presentations using a multitude of software.