Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Gai Suhardja, Ph.D.

Gai Suhardja, Ph.D.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Interior Design

NIK: 630005
NIDN: 0427095401

Lecturer Profile

Gai Suhardja is a graduate who studied visual arts at the Bandung Institute of Technology from 1974–1978. After graduating, he continued his education at several places abroad, such as interior design education at ICS Pennsylvania, theology at Harvest International Theology Seminary, and business administration in Glendale, California. Gai has worked on several major projects, such as designing the interior for the Yogyakarta Palace, lighting arrangements at the Dago Tea House Culture Building, designing murals and furniture at the St. Peter Cathedral Utility Building in Bandung, as well as international painting exhibitions and crafting wax sculptures for Madame Tussaud's Indonesia. Another experience he has is being the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design, as well as Vice Chancellor III at Maranatha Christian University.

Gai Suhardja, Ph.D.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Interior Design

NIK: 630005
NIDN: 0427095401

Lecturer Profile

Gai Suhardja is a graduate who studied visual arts at the Bandung Institute of Technology from 1974–1978. After graduating, he continued his education at several places abroad, such as interior design education at ICS Pennsylvania, theology at Harvest International Theology Seminary, and business administration in Glendale, California. Gai has worked on several major projects, such as designing the interior for the Yogyakarta Palace, lighting arrangements at the Dago Tea House Culture Building, designing murals and furniture at the St. Peter Cathedral Utility Building in Bandung, as well as international painting exhibitions and crafting wax sculptures for Madame Tussaud's Indonesia. Another experience he has is being the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design, as well as Vice Chancellor III at Maranatha Christian University.