Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Ferlina Sugata, S.T., M.T.

Ferlina Sugata, S.T., M.T.

Head of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630080
NIDN: 0406107904

Lecturer Profile

Ferlina Sugata studied Bachelor of Architectural Engineering at Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung in 1998 and continued her Masters in Architectural Engineering in 2003 at Diponegoro University, Semarang with a concentration on Urban Design. Since 2007 until now, she has been actively teaching in the Interior Undergraduate Study Program at Maranatha Christian University. In 2017 she also taught at the Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology in Bandung, and starting 2019 teaching at the Bachelor of Architecture Study Program at Maranatha Christian University. In addition to teaching at universities, Ferlina also teaches MSME Assistance in Maju Cooperatives, as well as being a Mentor at the Indonesian School of Entrepreneurship which is a partner of the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs and often becomes a National Entrepreneur Competition Judge.

Ferlina Sugata, S.T., M.T.

Head of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630080
NIDN: 0406107904

Lecturer Profile

Ferlina Sugata studied Bachelor of Architectural Engineering at Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung in 1998 and continued her Masters in Architectural Engineering in 2003 at Diponegoro University, Semarang with a concentration on Urban Design. Since 2007 until now, she has been actively teaching in the Interior Undergraduate Study Program at Maranatha Christian University. In 2017 she also taught at the Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology in Bandung, and starting 2019 teaching at the Bachelor of Architecture Study Program at Maranatha Christian University. In addition to teaching at universities, Ferlina also teaches MSME Assistance in Maju Cooperatives, as well as being a Mentor at the Indonesian School of Entrepreneurship which is a partner of the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs and often becomes a National Entrepreneur Competition Judge.

Representasi dan Orientasi Simbol Penghormatan dalam Dinamika Ruang Ibadah Agama Buddha (Studi Kasus: Rumah Ibadah Cetiya di Bandung)

Tjandradipura, Carina and Sugata, Ferlina

Every religious community in general has a symbol of respect to worship the majesty and greatness of someone who is considered important in their respective religions. This is motivated by the development of the world of architecture and the adjustment of different worship activities so that it affects the emergence of various spatial arrangements in one of the Buddhist worship spaces, namely the cetiya. In the development of the form of the cetiya space, the activities in this cetiya also underwent changes, namely as a forum for ritual activities and religious interactions so that they had an impact on the essence of meaning for a spiritual activity. The purpose of this study is to explore the history and development of the form, function and meaning of the cetiya from the early days to the present, by identifying the types of cetiya in the public and private spheres, and still functioning according to their initial formation but have undergone a shift in the aspect of their physical container and content; and to find out the extent to which the shift occurred by analyzing the driving factors for this occurrence. The analytical method used is a phenomenological study, which is looking for the driving factors with rationalistic qualitative techniques so that the data processing technique is an analysis of the relationship between the two variables which is translated into factors and then continued by using a simple tabulation, so as to produce a systematic of these factors. At this time the cetiya has changed its shape into a room or building for personal worship or certain groups, namely in the form of a corner of a room or a special room in a residential or office function. The shift in function that is currently happening does not have a significant effect on the arrangement of spatial patterns and can still show the representation of the Buddhist symbol with a centralized spatial orientation and the hierarchy is maintained as a private and solemn worship space, although with different elements of scope and spatial attributes. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the symbol is still known today but is represented differently from the initial concept of a sacred place or storage of Buddhist sacred objects. The use of names is still used and the function of the cetiya as a place of worship that accommodates reverence activities is still maintained.


Idealog: Jurnal Desain Interior & Desain Produk, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2477-0566

Representasi dan Orientasi Simbol Penghormatan dalam Dinamika Ruang Ibadah Agama Buddha (Studi Kasus: Rumah Ibadah Cetiya di Bandung)

Tjandradipura, Carina and Sugata, Ferlina

Every religious community in general has a symbol of respect to worship the majesty and greatness of someone who is considered important in their respective religions. This is motivated by the development of the world of architecture and the adjustment of different worship activities so that it affects the emergence of various spatial arrangements in one of the Buddhist worship spaces, namely the cetiya. In the development of the form of the cetiya space, the activities in this cetiya also underwent changes, namely as a forum for ritual activities and religious interactions so that they had an impact on the essence of meaning for a spiritual activity. The purpose of this study is to explore the history and development of the form, function and meaning of the cetiya from the early days to the present, by identifying the types of cetiya in the public and private spheres, and still functioning according to their initial formation but have undergone a shift in the aspect of their physical container and content; and to find out the extent to which the shift occurred by analyzing the driving factors for this occurrence. The analytical method used is a phenomenological study, which is looking for the driving factors with rationalistic qualitative techniques so that the data processing technique is an analysis of the relationship between the two variables which is translated into factors and then continued by using a simple tabulation, so as to produce a systematic of these factors. At this time the cetiya has changed its shape into a room or building for personal worship or certain groups, namely in the form of a corner of a room or a special room in a residential or office function. The shift in function that is currently happening does not have a significant effect on the arrangement of spatial patterns and can still show the representation of the Buddhist symbol with a centralized spatial orientation and the hierarchy is maintained as a private and solemn worship space, although with different elements of scope and spatial attributes. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the symbol is still known today but is represented differently from the initial concept of a sacred place or storage of Buddhist sacred objects. The use of names is still used and the function of the cetiya as a place of worship that accommodates reverence activities is still maintained.


Idealog: Jurnal Desain Interior & Desain Produk, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2477-0566