Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Fenty Lidya Siregar, Ph.D.

Fenty Lidya Siregar, Ph.D.

Dosen Program Sarjana Sastra Inggris

NIK: 430026

Lecturer Profile

Fenty Lidya Siregar holds a master’s in English Language Education from De La Salle University (the Philippines) and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). She currently teaches English at English Department, Universitas Kristen Maranatha (Maranatha Christian University), Indonesia. She is the chair of Indonesian Extensive Reading Association. Her recent research has focused on Extensive Reading, English as a medium of instruction, vocabulary, intercultural language teaching, and taboo topics in English language classroom.

  • S3 Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (2012- 2016)
  • S2 Master of Arts in English Language EducationDe La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines (2006-2008)
  • S1 Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia 91999- 2003)

“Challenge and upgrade yourself to be a better version of yourself every day!”


Fenty Lidya Siregar, Ph.D.

Dosen Program Sarjana Sastra Inggris

NIK: 430026

Lecturer Profile

Fenty Lidya Siregar holds a master’s in English Language Education from De La Salle University (the Philippines) and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). She currently teaches English at English Department, Universitas Kristen Maranatha (Maranatha Christian University), Indonesia. She is the chair of Indonesian Extensive Reading Association. Her recent research has focused on Extensive Reading, English as a medium of instruction, vocabulary, intercultural language teaching, and taboo topics in English language classroom.

  • S3 Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (2012- 2016)
  • S2 Master of Arts in English Language EducationDe La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines (2006-2008)
  • S1 Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia 91999- 2003)

“Challenge and upgrade yourself to be a better version of yourself every day!”




  • Siregar, F.L., Henni, & Comara, S. (2021). The representation of gender in a textbook entitled when English rings a bell. Eralingua, 5(1), 93-106 https://doi.org/10.26858/eralingua.v5i1.13664 Siregar, F.L. (2020).
  • Discussing religious values in English classrooms: In an intercultural Way. Humanising Language Teaching, issue 2. Retrieved from https://www.hltmag.co.uk/aug20/discussing-religious-values Siregar, F.L. (2020).
  • English students’ vocabulary size and level at a private university in West Java, Indonesia. Humaniora, 11(2), 1-7. Retrieved from https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Humaniora/article/view/6388/3858 Siregar, F.L. (2020).
  • Indonesian EAP students’ vocabulary level and size: An empirical investigation. Lingua Cultura. https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Lingua/article/view/6465

A Book Chapter:

  • Siregar, F.L., Sabnani, R.L., Dinh, T. (In press).
  • English as a medium of instruction in South-east Asia. Springer. Dinh, T. N. & Siregar, F.L. (2021).
  • Intercultural competence and PARSNIP: Voices from teachers of English in Australia. In M. D. L. Jimenez & J. S. Torres. (eds). Issues in intercultural learning and teaching across L2 contexts and situations. Springer. Newton, J, Siregar, F.L & Tran, P.T.T (2020).
  • Intercultural awareness and the GLT. In Griffiths, C & Tajeddin, Z. (Eds). Lessons from good language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Conference Siregar, F.L, Henni, Comara, S. (2022).
  • An examination of EFL students’ vocabulary development in a private university in Indonesia. (the 20th AsiaTEFL – 68th TEFLIN – 5th iNELTAL International Hybrid Conference 2022, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia) Invited as a main/keynote speaker Siregar, F.L. (2022).
  • Literasi di Indonesia/ Literacy in Indonesia (A webinar entitled The Hallmark of Future Educational Challenges held by Lingkar Cendikia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Webinar, 26 March 2022) Siregar, F.L. (2022).
  • To teach or not to teach taboo topics when developing student’s intercultural competence (An international conference entitled Fostering global citizenship in the English language classroom in an intercultural way held by Mahidol University, Thailand,11 Februari 2022)

A keynote speaker:

  • Siregar, F.L. (2020). Fostering global citizenship in the English language classroom in an intercultural way. (BINUS Webinar, 11 September 2020)
  • A speaker Siregar, F.L. (2020).
  • Blended ER and IR. (Sanata Dharma University, ER Webinar, July 2020)
  • Applied Linguistics



  • Siregar, F.L., Henni, & Comara, S. (2021). The representation of gender in a textbook entitled when English rings a bell. Eralingua, 5(1), 93-106 https://doi.org/10.26858/eralingua.v5i1.13664 Siregar, F.L. (2020).
  • Discussing religious values in English classrooms: In an intercultural Way. Humanising Language Teaching, issue 2. Retrieved from https://www.hltmag.co.uk/aug20/discussing-religious-values Siregar, F.L. (2020).
  • English students’ vocabulary size and level at a private university in West Java, Indonesia. Humaniora, 11(2), 1-7. Retrieved from https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Humaniora/article/view/6388/3858 Siregar, F.L. (2020).
  • Indonesian EAP students’ vocabulary level and size: An empirical investigation. Lingua Cultura. https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Lingua/article/view/6465

A Book Chapter:

  • Siregar, F.L., Sabnani, R.L., Dinh, T. (In press).
  • English as a medium of instruction in South-east Asia. Springer. Dinh, T. N. & Siregar, F.L. (2021).
  • Intercultural competence and PARSNIP: Voices from teachers of English in Australia. In M. D. L. Jimenez & J. S. Torres. (eds). Issues in intercultural learning and teaching across L2 contexts and situations. Springer. Newton, J, Siregar, F.L & Tran, P.T.T (2020).
  • Intercultural awareness and the GLT. In Griffiths, C & Tajeddin, Z. (Eds). Lessons from good language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Conference Siregar, F.L, Henni, Comara, S. (2022).
  • An examination of EFL students’ vocabulary development in a private university in Indonesia. (the 20th AsiaTEFL – 68th TEFLIN – 5th iNELTAL International Hybrid Conference 2022, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia) Invited as a main/keynote speaker Siregar, F.L. (2022).
  • Literasi di Indonesia/ Literacy in Indonesia (A webinar entitled The Hallmark of Future Educational Challenges held by Lingkar Cendikia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Webinar, 26 March 2022) Siregar, F.L. (2022).
  • To teach or not to teach taboo topics when developing student’s intercultural competence (An international conference entitled Fostering global citizenship in the English language classroom in an intercultural way held by Mahidol University, Thailand,11 Februari 2022)

A keynote speaker:

  • Siregar, F.L. (2020). Fostering global citizenship in the English language classroom in an intercultural way. (BINUS Webinar, 11 September 2020)
  • A speaker Siregar, F.L. (2020).
  • Blended ER and IR. (Sanata Dharma University, ER Webinar, July 2020)
  • Applied Linguistics