Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Erika Ernawan, S.Sn., M.Sn.

Erika Ernawan, S.Sn., M.Sn.

Dosen Program Sarjana Seni Murni

NIK: 620033

Lecturer Profile

Erika Ernawan is a lecturer in the Fine Arts Program. Active as a Visual Artist since 2009, Erika uses the object of the body to push the value of our conceptual knowledge of being human as part of a social system. Erika's works remind us that the process of looking at work is a decision, a communication tool, and a way of recognizing and understanding ourselves. Painting, Photography, Performance Art and Installation are the mediums used to convey her ideas. She actively exhibits both inside and outside Indonesia. 

Erika Ernawan, S.Sn., M.Sn.

Dosen Program Sarjana Seni Murni

NIK: 620033

Lecturer Profile

Erika Ernawan is a lecturer in the Fine Arts Program. Active as a Visual Artist since 2009, Erika uses the object of the body to push the value of our conceptual knowledge of being human as part of a social system. Erika's works remind us that the process of looking at work is a decision, a communication tool, and a way of recognizing and understanding ourselves. Painting, Photography, Performance Art and Installation are the mediums used to convey her ideas. She actively exhibits both inside and outside Indonesia. 

No. Tahun  Judul Makalah Seminar Ilmiah Nama Seminar Ilmiah
1 2019 Perkembangan Medium dalam Proses Kekaryaan Dari Pigmen ke Pixel, Macan Museum
2 2020 THE ERA OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF MEANING AND SENSORY EXPERIENCE OF ART IN VIRTUAL SPACE Proceeding International Conference 2020 : Reposition of the Art and Cultural Heritage After Pandemic Era ,ISBI
3 2020 Perspective (Gaze) Pandemic-Aesthetic
4 2021 About Art_Today Global Goes to Maranatha
5 2022 Gaze in Artwork Deconstructing Gender Roles in Video, Performance and Public Space, Giessen University, Germany
6 2022 Proses Kreasi dan 4w 1h Proses Kreasi dan Jejaring Seni di Ruang Akademik
7 2023 Proses Penciptaan Karya Seni Rupa Kemerdekaan, Seni dan Kebangsaan, Unpar. Bandung
No. Tahun  Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal
1 2020 The Era of the Reconstruction of Meaning and Sensory Experience of Art in Visual Space Proceeding International Conference 2020 : Reposition of the Art and Cultural Heritage After Pandemic Era ,ISBI. Vol 1/ No 1/ 2020
No.  Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
1 2023 Pelatihan Analisis Gambar Karya Anak Usia Dini untuk Guru
2 2023 Pelatihan Pembuatan Kerajinan Tangan Makrame dan Kartu Ucapan Bagi Komunitas Tunanetra di Bandung
3 2023 Pendampingan Pembuatan Mural Kelompok Wanita Tani di Cimahi Tengah
4 2021 Pelatihan Batik Dingin untuk SMA dan SMK Yayasan Hadi Siswa Kota Tanggerang Selatan
No. Tahun  Judul Buku Penerbit
1 2023 Jelajah Budaya Nusantara (Book Chapter) YLGI
No. Tahun  Judul Pameran
1 2023 Kemerdekaan, Seni dan Kebangsaan,
2 2023 Marwah, Post Block, Jakarta
3 2023 Cans’s Gallery Across the Time, Can’s Gallery, Jakarta
4 2022 AIFES 2022, Tokyo
5 2022 Maranatha Art Exhibition
6 2021 Ballarat International Foto Biennale, Victoria, Australia
7 2021 Artjog MMXXI, Arts in Common ,Time (to) Wonder, Yogyakarta  
8 2021 Hidup Berdampingan Dengan Musuh, Ciputra, Jakarta
9 2021 ASEDAS II: New Hope, Asean Art Society
10 2021 Spice Trading Routes, Maranatha, Bandung  
11 2020 Kembang Kertas Sejagat Mewangi Nusantara, Garasi 10, Bandung
12 2020 Pandemic- Aesthetic, Maranatha ArtSpace, Bandung
13 2020 I Care Therefore I Exist, Maranatha ArtSpace, Bandung
14 2020 Indonesia Calling 2020, 16Albermare Project Space, Sydney
15 2019 Liber Primus, Galeri Semarang, Semarang
16 2019 Indonesian Woman Artists ; Into the Future, Galeri Nasional, Jakarta 
17 2019 I…Therefore I Am, Cans Gallery, Jakarta 
18 2019 Asia International Friendship Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan 
19 2019 “Sight”, Solo Show at Project Space & Spare, RMIT Melbourne, Australia
No. Tahun  Judul Makalah Seminar Ilmiah Nama Seminar Ilmiah
1 2019 Perkembangan Medium dalam Proses Kekaryaan Dari Pigmen ke Pixel, Macan Museum
2 2020 THE ERA OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF MEANING AND SENSORY EXPERIENCE OF ART IN VIRTUAL SPACE Proceeding International Conference 2020 : Reposition of the Art and Cultural Heritage After Pandemic Era ,ISBI
3 2020 Perspective (Gaze) Pandemic-Aesthetic
4 2021 About Art_Today Global Goes to Maranatha
5 2022 Gaze in Artwork Deconstructing Gender Roles in Video, Performance and Public Space, Giessen University, Germany
6 2022 Proses Kreasi dan 4w 1h Proses Kreasi dan Jejaring Seni di Ruang Akademik
7 2023 Proses Penciptaan Karya Seni Rupa Kemerdekaan, Seni dan Kebangsaan, Unpar. Bandung
No. Tahun  Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal
1 2020 The Era of the Reconstruction of Meaning and Sensory Experience of Art in Visual Space Proceeding International Conference 2020 : Reposition of the Art and Cultural Heritage After Pandemic Era ,ISBI. Vol 1/ No 1/ 2020
No.  Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
1 2023 Pelatihan Analisis Gambar Karya Anak Usia Dini untuk Guru
2 2023 Pelatihan Pembuatan Kerajinan Tangan Makrame dan Kartu Ucapan Bagi Komunitas Tunanetra di Bandung
3 2023 Pendampingan Pembuatan Mural Kelompok Wanita Tani di Cimahi Tengah
4 2021 Pelatihan Batik Dingin untuk SMA dan SMK Yayasan Hadi Siswa Kota Tanggerang Selatan
No. Tahun  Judul Pameran
1 2023 Kemerdekaan, Seni dan Kebangsaan,
2 2023 Marwah, Post Block, Jakarta
3 2023 Cans’s Gallery Across the Time, Can’s Gallery, Jakarta
4 2022 AIFES 2022, Tokyo
5 2022 Maranatha Art Exhibition
6 2021 Ballarat International Foto Biennale, Victoria, Australia
7 2021 Artjog MMXXI, Arts in Common ,Time (to) Wonder, Yogyakarta  
8 2021 Hidup Berdampingan Dengan Musuh, Ciputra, Jakarta
9 2021 ASEDAS II: New Hope, Asean Art Society
10 2021 Spice Trading Routes, Maranatha, Bandung  
11 2020 Kembang Kertas Sejagat Mewangi Nusantara, Garasi 10, Bandung
12 2020 Pandemic- Aesthetic, Maranatha ArtSpace, Bandung
13 2020 I Care Therefore I Exist, Maranatha ArtSpace, Bandung
14 2020 Indonesia Calling 2020, 16Albermare Project Space, Sydney
15 2019 Liber Primus, Galeri Semarang, Semarang
16 2019 Indonesian Woman Artists ; Into the Future, Galeri Nasional, Jakarta 
17 2019 I…Therefore I Am, Cans Gallery, Jakarta 
18 2019 Asia International Friendship Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan 
19 2019 “Sight”, Solo Show at Project Space & Spare, RMIT Melbourne, Australia