Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Dewi Isma Aryani, M.Ds.

Dewi Isma Aryani, M.Ds.

Lecturer of Diploma Program in Arts and Design

NIK: 610141
NIDN: 0424018301

Lecturer Profile

Dewi Isma Aryani is a graduate of S1 Product Design, Bandung Institute of Technology (2001-2005), Bandung-Indonesia. Master's education is carried out at Master of Design Masters (DIKTI Superior Scholarship Program – Concentration of Game and Digital Media), Bandung Institute of Technology (2010-2012), Bandung-Indonesia. She has an interest in the design of cultural products and the design of lifestyle products.lifestyle).

Dewi Isma Aryani, M.Ds.

Lecturer of Diploma Program in Arts and Design

NIK: 610141
NIDN: 0424018301

Lecturer Profile

Dewi Isma Aryani is a graduate of S1 Product Design, Bandung Institute of Technology (2001-2005), Bandung-Indonesia. Master's education is carried out at Master of Design Masters (DIKTI Superior Scholarship Program – Concentration of Game and Digital Media), Bandung Institute of Technology (2010-2012), Bandung-Indonesia. She has an interest in the design of cultural products and the design of lifestyle products.lifestyle).

Proceedings of the Paper “Acculturation in Preserving Indonesian Culture”


Festival Seni Maranatha (Fesema) UK. Maranatha 2011


Discussing about the Angpao Tradition in Indonesian culture is associated with color theory and the encounter of religion and belief behind it.

Perubahan Makna dan Persepsi Masyarakat di Kota Besar Terhadap Ruang Publik (Studi Kasus: Pusat Perbelanjaan di Kota Bandung)

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis utama) – 2009
Through the results of this study, it is hoped that it can contribute in terms of socio-cultural science, especially urban communities in addressing the public spaces that exist in each shopping center that in addition to having a commercial function from product sales outlets, it also has a social function in terms of activities and visitor interactions that is in it. So that in the future, it can be a reference for shopping center developers to be able to consider its social function and not just a commercial function


Tinjauan Desain dan Pengaruh Warna Tempat Sampah secara Psikologis serta Dampak yang Ditimbulkan terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat dalam Konteks Lingkungan Hidup (Studi Kasus di Kota Bandung)

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis utama) – 2010
The low awareness of the Indonesian people in maintaining environmental cleanliness is one of the things that needs to be followed up. Based on environmental hygiene systems in several developed countries, they have implemented waste separation from an early age through the design and color of the trash can itself. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, several cities have started implementing a system like this, but due to the lack of socialization to the local community, the achievement is less than optimal. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to be one of the media that can provide education about environmental hygiene and health to the public.


Tinjauan Semiotika Visualisasi Karakter pada Game Atelier Iris the Azoth of Destiny

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis 1) – 2011
The results of this study describe the semiotics of several game characters. This is necessary because to be able to create game and comic characters that match the storyline, in-depth research is needed. In the case study, the game that I brought up was very thick with Western culture, especially Europe, which has more general and universal philosophical values. It is hoped that the results of my research can be a reference for game and comic creators in Indonesia to be able to display the cultural and philosophical values of various regions in Indonesia in each of their works.


Kajian Transformasi Visual Desain Karakter Eevee pada Game Pokémon Series Generasi IV

ITB (Tesis) (sebagai penulis 1) – 2012
As we know, the influence of Japanese culture (in terms of comics and game characters) has been worldwide and has made the comic and game industry commodification factor one of the biggest incomes of their creative industry sector. Therefore, through the results of this research, it is hoped that Indonesia can develop the potential of the creative industry (comics and games) from the wealth of Indonesian cultural treasures, philosophies and local content from various regions that exist for the advancement of this potential industry, which is expected to increase other industrial sectors.


Tinjauan Desain terhadap Transformasi Visual Karakter Pikachu dalam Game Pokémon Series sebagai Budaya Populer

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis utama) – 2013
The results of this study describe the popularity of one of the game characters from Japan which was phenomenal around the end of the 90’s until now, namely Pokemon. In the Pokemon game, the character who is the main character as well as the mascot is Pikachu. I discuss about the Pikachu character because apart from being a phenomenal game character, he also has an influence in the social and cultural fields, both in Japan and in Indonesia. One of the influences is related to the commodification of the Pikachu character itself, which is besides being a game character that is liked by many people, it also has commercial appeal. Based on my observations while researching the character of Pikachu, I found a lot of products from disposable items to public facilities products that display this character. This proves that game characters made with mature concepts will be able to be manifested in everyday life. Of course this is a hope in the future for Indonesia to be able to take positive values ​​that can be imitated, for example creating and promoting game characters from Indonesian culture so that later they can be widely known not only by the Indonesian people, but also by foreign people. .


Kajian Pengaruh Fashion Dalam Game Digital Pada Media Sosial Facebook Terhadap Mahasiswa DIII-SRD UK. Maranatha (Studi Kasus: City Girl Life)

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis 1) – 2015
This study discusses the influence of fashion by world designers displayed in the game. So far, UK DIII-SRD students. Maranatha gets fashion design references from the internet, such as Youtube and Pinterest. However, through the City Girl Life game, apart from getting entertainment in terms of the game, you can also gain insight into the fashion treasures of world designers that can be played. The results of this study are expected to be a source of reference for fashion design students of DIII-SRD UK. Maranatha in particular and the wider community in general who want to know or find references to fashion design works by world designers in a fun and entertaining way.


Perancangan Koleksi Pa’Surra Toraya Sebagai Selfstatement Gaya Hidup Wanita Urban

UK. Maranatha (sebagai pembimbing 1 proyek akhir mahasiswa) – 2016
This research is the result of the final project of my mentor, Fei Sien Jesica, a UK DIII-SRD student. Maranatha. The topic raised in the final project of the student concerned is about Toraja carving motifs which are included in the ready-to-wear deluxe clothing collection for young adult women who live in urban environments. From the results of Fei Sien Jesica’s final project, it is hoped that later it can be a fashion inspiration for modern women who are dynamic and active in accordance with today’s modern era.


Kajian Identifikasi Ragam Hias Batik Semarang

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis 2) – 2017-2018
This research will be able to help the local government in terms of documenting the batik motifs typical of Semarang.

Pelatihan Kreativitas Membuat Mainan dari Botol Yakult Bekas di Mutiara Nusantara International School, Bandung

Mutiara Nusantara International School, Bandung – 2010
In this activity a team of FSRD lecturers & students trained elementary school students at MNIS to make toys from used yakult bottles according to their respective creativity.


Kerjasama Pos Kreativitas FSRD UK. Maranatha dengan Yayasan Percik Insani: Family Gathering Membangun Sikap Percaya Diri dan Kemandirian Bagi Anak dan Remaja Berkebutuhan Khusus

SMAK 3 dan SMFK BPK Penabur, Jl. Raya Cibeureum 92, Bandung – 2014
In this activity, the team of FSRD lecturers & students trained children & teenagers with special needs to make pencil cases from cardboard & some other used items.


Pembuatan Mural Cibogo bersama FSRD UK. Maranatha

Lingkungan RT.02/RW.04 Kel. Sukawarna, Kec. Sukajadi – 2013
The results of mural painting to reduce graffiti or vandalism in the environment. The results can be seen on the back wall of the UK. Maranatha which borders the neighborhood of Rt.02/RW.04.


Pelatihan Ketrampilan Menggambar dan Origami Bagi Murid SD di Dinas Psikologi AD, Bandung

Dinas Psikologi Angkatan Darat, Jl. Sangkuriang no.17, Bandung – 2015
This activity is a team collaboration between FSRD lecturers with the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Dentistry Maranatha Christian University by providing training in drawing and origami.


Peningkatan Pengetahuan Mengenai DKV pada SMA Kristen Trimulia, Bandung (Fokus pada Pengenalan Elemen Desain Game)

SMA Kristen Trimulia, Bandung – 2016
This activity is divided into several meetings which are held once a week. I and my fellow FSRD lecturers filled the first meeting which was held on Friday, March 4 & 11, 2016 at 12.45-15.00 WIB by presenting 2D Composition material. Materials and tools: Newspapers, magazines, stationery (glue, scissors, pencil, ruler), A3 drawing paper. This service activity was carried out as a filler for fine arts extracurricular material at Trimulia Christian High School.


Pembuatan Desain Kartu Materi Tes Relasi Keluarga Bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Psikologi Perkembangan, UNPAD

FSRD UK. Maranatha dan Fak. Psikologi Perkembangan UNPAD, Bandung – Akhir 2016-Awal 2017
Make a psychological test card that will be used in a series of tests by the Faculty of Psychology and Development UNPAD, divided into several categories and there are 2 different colors, namely blue and pink.


Penataan Kostum Pertunjukan Teater Musikal “Suara Hati” di Gedung Teater Jakarta

Gedung Teater Jakarta – 2017
A team of lecturers and a student from D-III SRD, UK. Maranatha helped prepare and worked on the backstage wardrobe during the 2-day theater event.


Perancangan Dokumentasi Digital dan Pengembangan Desain Motif Batik Anggraeni Cimahi

Batik Anggraeni Cimahi – 2018 (dalam progress)
The team of lecturers will assist with digital documentation of Batik Anggraeni Cimahi in tidying up existing motifs, as well as helping to develop them.

Proceedings of the Paper “Acculturation in Preserving Indonesian Culture”


Festival Seni Maranatha (Fesema) UK. Maranatha 2011


Discussing about the Angpao Tradition in Indonesian culture is associated with color theory and the encounter of religion and belief behind it.

Perubahan Makna dan Persepsi Masyarakat di Kota Besar Terhadap Ruang Publik (Studi Kasus: Pusat Perbelanjaan di Kota Bandung)

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis utama) – 2009
Through the results of this study, it is hoped that it can contribute in terms of socio-cultural science, especially urban communities in addressing the public spaces that exist in each shopping center that in addition to having a commercial function from product sales outlets, it also has a social function in terms of activities and visitor interactions that is in it. So that in the future, it can be a reference for shopping center developers to be able to consider its social function and not just a commercial function


Tinjauan Desain dan Pengaruh Warna Tempat Sampah secara Psikologis serta Dampak yang Ditimbulkan terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat dalam Konteks Lingkungan Hidup (Studi Kasus di Kota Bandung)

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis utama) – 2010
The low awareness of the Indonesian people in maintaining environmental cleanliness is one of the things that needs to be followed up. Based on environmental hygiene systems in several developed countries, they have implemented waste separation from an early age through the design and color of the trash can itself. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, several cities have started implementing a system like this, but due to the lack of socialization to the local community, the achievement is less than optimal. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to be one of the media that can provide education about environmental hygiene and health to the public.


Tinjauan Semiotika Visualisasi Karakter pada Game Atelier Iris the Azoth of Destiny

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis 1) – 2011
The results of this study describe the semiotics of several game characters. This is necessary because to be able to create game and comic characters that match the storyline, in-depth research is needed. In the case study, the game that I brought up was very thick with Western culture, especially Europe, which has more general and universal philosophical values. It is hoped that the results of my research can be a reference for game and comic creators in Indonesia to be able to display the cultural and philosophical values of various regions in Indonesia in each of their works.


Kajian Transformasi Visual Desain Karakter Eevee pada Game Pokémon Series Generasi IV

ITB (Tesis) (sebagai penulis 1) – 2012
As we know, the influence of Japanese culture (in terms of comics and game characters) has been worldwide and has made the comic and game industry commodification factor one of the biggest incomes of their creative industry sector. Therefore, through the results of this research, it is hoped that Indonesia can develop the potential of the creative industry (comics and games) from the wealth of Indonesian cultural treasures, philosophies and local content from various regions that exist for the advancement of this potential industry, which is expected to increase other industrial sectors.


Tinjauan Desain terhadap Transformasi Visual Karakter Pikachu dalam Game Pokémon Series sebagai Budaya Populer

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis utama) – 2013
The results of this study describe the popularity of one of the game characters from Japan which was phenomenal around the end of the 90’s until now, namely Pokemon. In the Pokemon game, the character who is the main character as well as the mascot is Pikachu. I discuss about the Pikachu character because apart from being a phenomenal game character, he also has an influence in the social and cultural fields, both in Japan and in Indonesia. One of the influences is related to the commodification of the Pikachu character itself, which is besides being a game character that is liked by many people, it also has commercial appeal. Based on my observations while researching the character of Pikachu, I found a lot of products from disposable items to public facilities products that display this character. This proves that game characters made with mature concepts will be able to be manifested in everyday life. Of course this is a hope in the future for Indonesia to be able to take positive values ​​that can be imitated, for example creating and promoting game characters from Indonesian culture so that later they can be widely known not only by the Indonesian people, but also by foreign people. .


Kajian Pengaruh Fashion Dalam Game Digital Pada Media Sosial Facebook Terhadap Mahasiswa DIII-SRD UK. Maranatha (Studi Kasus: City Girl Life)

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis 1) – 2015
This study discusses the influence of fashion by world designers displayed in the game. So far, UK DIII-SRD students. Maranatha gets fashion design references from the internet, such as Youtube and Pinterest. However, through the City Girl Life game, apart from getting entertainment in terms of the game, you can also gain insight into the fashion treasures of world designers that can be played. The results of this study are expected to be a source of reference for fashion design students of DIII-SRD UK. Maranatha in particular and the wider community in general who want to know or find references to fashion design works by world designers in a fun and entertaining way.


Perancangan Koleksi Pa’Surra Toraya Sebagai Selfstatement Gaya Hidup Wanita Urban

UK. Maranatha (sebagai pembimbing 1 proyek akhir mahasiswa) – 2016
This research is the result of the final project of my mentor, Fei Sien Jesica, a UK DIII-SRD student. Maranatha. The topic raised in the final project of the student concerned is about Toraja carving motifs which are included in the ready-to-wear deluxe clothing collection for young adult women who live in urban environments. From the results of Fei Sien Jesica’s final project, it is hoped that later it can be a fashion inspiration for modern women who are dynamic and active in accordance with today’s modern era.


Kajian Identifikasi Ragam Hias Batik Semarang

UK. Maranatha (sebagai penulis 2) – 2017-2018
This research will be able to help the local government in terms of documenting the batik motifs typical of Semarang.

Pelatihan Kreativitas Membuat Mainan dari Botol Yakult Bekas di Mutiara Nusantara International School, Bandung

Mutiara Nusantara International School, Bandung – 2010
In this activity a team of FSRD lecturers & students trained elementary school students at MNIS to make toys from used yakult bottles according to their respective creativity.


Kerjasama Pos Kreativitas FSRD UK. Maranatha dengan Yayasan Percik Insani: Family Gathering Membangun Sikap Percaya Diri dan Kemandirian Bagi Anak dan Remaja Berkebutuhan Khusus

SMAK 3 dan SMFK BPK Penabur, Jl. Raya Cibeureum 92, Bandung – 2014
In this activity, the team of FSRD lecturers & students trained children & teenagers with special needs to make pencil cases from cardboard & some other used items.


Pembuatan Mural Cibogo bersama FSRD UK. Maranatha

Lingkungan RT.02/RW.04 Kel. Sukawarna, Kec. Sukajadi – 2013
The results of mural painting to reduce graffiti or vandalism in the environment. The results can be seen on the back wall of the UK. Maranatha which borders the neighborhood of Rt.02/RW.04.


Pelatihan Ketrampilan Menggambar dan Origami Bagi Murid SD di Dinas Psikologi AD, Bandung

Dinas Psikologi Angkatan Darat, Jl. Sangkuriang no.17, Bandung – 2015
This activity is a team collaboration between FSRD lecturers with the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Dentistry Maranatha Christian University by providing training in drawing and origami.


Peningkatan Pengetahuan Mengenai DKV pada SMA Kristen Trimulia, Bandung (Fokus pada Pengenalan Elemen Desain Game)

SMA Kristen Trimulia, Bandung – 2016
This activity is divided into several meetings which are held once a week. I and my fellow FSRD lecturers filled the first meeting which was held on Friday, March 4 & 11, 2016 at 12.45-15.00 WIB by presenting 2D Composition material. Materials and tools: Newspapers, magazines, stationery (glue, scissors, pencil, ruler), A3 drawing paper. This service activity was carried out as a filler for fine arts extracurricular material at Trimulia Christian High School.


Pembuatan Desain Kartu Materi Tes Relasi Keluarga Bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Psikologi Perkembangan, UNPAD

FSRD UK. Maranatha dan Fak. Psikologi Perkembangan UNPAD, Bandung – Akhir 2016-Awal 2017
Make a psychological test card that will be used in a series of tests by the Faculty of Psychology and Development UNPAD, divided into several categories and there are 2 different colors, namely blue and pink.


Penataan Kostum Pertunjukan Teater Musikal “Suara Hati” di Gedung Teater Jakarta

Gedung Teater Jakarta – 2017
A team of lecturers and a student from D-III SRD, UK. Maranatha helped prepare and worked on the backstage wardrobe during the 2-day theater event.


Perancangan Dokumentasi Digital dan Pengembangan Desain Motif Batik Anggraeni Cimahi

Batik Anggraeni Cimahi – 2018 (dalam progress)
The team of lecturers will assist with digital documentation of Batik Anggraeni Cimahi in tidying up existing motifs, as well as helping to develop them.