Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Ar. Astrid Austranti Yuwono, S.T., M.T., IAI

Ar. Astrid Austranti Yuwono, S.T., M.T., IAI

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630068
NIDN: 0430037903

Lecturer Profile

Astrid Austranti Yuwono studied in an undergraduate program (1997-2002) and for her Master's (2011-2013), and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung. She is experienced as a full-time worker in the field of architecture and interior, in both design and management at Graha Wastu Samaya L.P. from 2002--2008. Astrid holds a special interest in perception and behavior in architecture. She has been actively teaching at the Bachelor's Program in Interior Design since 2009, and at the Bachelor's Program in Architecture since 2019 at Maranatha Christian University's Faculty of Arts and Design.

Ar. Astrid Austranti Yuwono, S.T., M.T., IAI

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Architecture

NIK: 630068
NIDN: 0430037903

Lecturer Profile

Astrid Austranti Yuwono studied in an undergraduate program (1997-2002) and for her Master's (2011-2013), and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung. She is experienced as a full-time worker in the field of architecture and interior, in both design and management at Graha Wastu Samaya L.P. from 2002--2008. Astrid holds a special interest in perception and behavior in architecture. She has been actively teaching at the Bachelor's Program in Interior Design since 2009, and at the Bachelor's Program in Architecture since 2019 at Maranatha Christian University's Faculty of Arts and Design.

Kajian Elemen Visual Arsitektur Terkait Persepsi Anak Usia Dini Terhadap Bangunan


Pengembangan Diri, Wawasan Kewirausahaan, serta Pengembangan Kreativitas Produk Interior Berbahan Dasar Kayu bagi Guru-Guru di PKBM Buana Mekar, Bandung

Universitas Kristen Maranatha, kerja sama dengan PKBM Buana Mekar – 2014
Provided insights on hard skills useful at work. Debriefed teachers who would then pass on knowledge and insight to students.


Family Gathering Keluarga Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus dengan Tema “Bersama Kita Bisa”

Kerjasama dengan Percik Insani – 2015
Designing creative activities for Children with Special Needs.


Art & Craft Outing Batita “My Toys are Colourfull

Universitas Kristen Maranatha kerja sama dengan Little Shape Movement Centre – 2016
Designing creative activities for toddlers.


Kerjasama dengan Avian Brand “Pengecatan Mural Sekolah Hidup Baru, Bandung”

Sekolah Hidup Baru kerjasama dengan Yayasan Sekolah Hidup Baru – 2017
Directing the design process and collaboration in making school wall murals.

Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia

Arsitek Muda – 2015
Architect’s professional certification

Kajian Elemen Visual Arsitektur Terkait Persepsi Anak Usia Dini Terhadap Bangunan


Pengembangan Diri, Wawasan Kewirausahaan, serta Pengembangan Kreativitas Produk Interior Berbahan Dasar Kayu bagi Guru-Guru di PKBM Buana Mekar, Bandung

Universitas Kristen Maranatha, kerja sama dengan PKBM Buana Mekar – 2014
Provided insights on hard skills useful at work. Debriefed teachers who would then pass on knowledge and insight to students.


Family Gathering Keluarga Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus dengan Tema “Bersama Kita Bisa”

Kerjasama dengan Percik Insani – 2015
Designing creative activities for Children with Special Needs.


Art & Craft Outing Batita “My Toys are Colourfull

Universitas Kristen Maranatha kerja sama dengan Little Shape Movement Centre – 2016
Designing creative activities for toddlers.


Kerjasama dengan Avian Brand “Pengecatan Mural Sekolah Hidup Baru, Bandung”

Sekolah Hidup Baru kerjasama dengan Yayasan Sekolah Hidup Baru – 2017
Directing the design process and collaboration in making school wall murals.

Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia

Arsitek Muda – 2015
Architect’s professional certification