Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Amanda Muliati, S.Sn., M.F.A.

Amanda Muliati, S.Sn., M.F.A.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Interior Design

NIK: 630083
NIDN: 0422108801

Lecturer Profile

Amanda Muliati completed her undergraduate education majoring in Interior Design at Maranatha Christian University in 2011. She continued her Masters in Design at Guangxi Normal University in 2012–2015. She has an interest in interior design and architecture, especially in the fields of human studies, and Chinese culture . Since 2015, she has been active as a lecturer at the Undergraduate Program in Interior Design, Faculty of Arts and Design at Maranatha Christian University. Apart from teaching, she is currently active in various service activities, committees, and numerous communities.2015. Ia memiliki ketertarikan pada desain interior dan arsitektur, khususnya bidang human studies dan budaya Cina. Sejak tahun 2015, Amanda aktif sebagai dosen di Program Studi S-1 ​​Desain Interior, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Selain mengajar, saat ini ia aktif di berbagai kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, kepanitiaan, dan beberapa komunitas.

Amanda Muliati, S.Sn., M.F.A.

Lecturer of Bachelor Program in Interior Design

NIK: 630083
NIDN: 0422108801

Lecturer Profile

Amanda Muliati completed her undergraduate education majoring in Interior Design at Maranatha Christian University in 2011. She continued her Masters in Design at Guangxi Normal University in 2012–2015. She has an interest in interior design and architecture, especially in the fields of human studies, and Chinese culture . Since 2015, she has been active as a lecturer at the Undergraduate Program in Interior Design, Faculty of Arts and Design at Maranatha Christian University. Apart from teaching, she is currently active in various service activities, committees, and numerous communities.2015. Ia memiliki ketertarikan pada desain interior dan arsitektur, khususnya bidang human studies dan budaya Cina. Sejak tahun 2015, Amanda aktif sebagai dosen di Program Studi S-1 ​​Desain Interior, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Selain mengajar, saat ini ia aktif di berbagai kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, kepanitiaan, dan beberapa komunitas.

The Methods and Benefits of Art Therapy for Cancer Patients

2nd International Conference on Arts and Design Education – ICADE 2019

The Methods and Benefits of Art Therapy for Cancer Patients

2nd International Conference on Arts and Design Education – ICADE 2019