Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Ir. Heru Susanto, M.Sn.

Ir. Heru Susanto, M.Sn.

Dosen Program Sarjana Seni Murni

NIK: 620024

Lecturer Profile

Heru Susanto is a painting artist who does a lot of exploration with oil paints and water colors as well as drawing pens. He teaches at the SRM Study Program as a permanent lecturer in the UK. Maranatha.

Ir. Heru Susanto, M.Sn.

Dosen Program Sarjana Seni Murni

NIK: 620024

Lecturer Profile

Heru Susanto is a painting artist who does a lot of exploration with oil paints and water colors as well as drawing pens. He teaches at the SRM Study Program as a permanent lecturer in the UK. Maranatha.

Ekspresi Religiusitas Kristiani Pada Karya Seni Lukis Kontemporer

UK Maranatha
Mapping the scope of Christian art, especially Christian contemporary art

Melukis Pemandangan alam dengan cat minyak diatas kanvas

Pesantren Ranca Herang
The form of community service in the form of training on painting natural landscapes for the Rancaherang Islamic Boarding School in RT02 Rw04 Sukawrna Sub-district Sukajadi District, Bandung

Ekspresi Religiusitas Kristiani Pada Karya Seni Lukis Kontemporer

UK Maranatha
Mapping the scope of Christian art, especially Christian contemporary art

Melukis Pemandangan alam dengan cat minyak diatas kanvas

Pesantren Ranca Herang
The form of community service in the form of training on painting natural landscapes for the Rancaherang Islamic Boarding School in RT02 Rw04 Sukawrna Sub-district Sukajadi District, Bandung