Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

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Prof. Eishi H.

Prof. Eishi H.

Dosen Program Sarjana Sastra Jepang


Profil Dosen

Eishi H. is a native teaching staff from Japan at the Bachelor Programme in Japanese , Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Maranatha Christian University. He is an expert in Japanese langauge and literature.

  • Doctoral Degree at the Graduate School of Literature, Nagoya University (1999)
  • Master’s Degree at the Graduate School of Literature, Nagoya Univeristy (1996)
  • Bachelor’s Degree at the Faculty of Literature, Aichi University (1994)

Prof. Eishi H.

Dosen Program Sarjana Sastra Jepang


Profil Dosen

Eishi H. is a native teaching staff from Japan at the Bachelor Programme in Japanese , Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Maranatha Christian University. He is an expert in Japanese langauge and literature.

  • Doctoral Degree at the Graduate School of Literature, Nagoya University (1999)
  • Master’s Degree at the Graduate School of Literature, Nagoya Univeristy (1996)
  • Bachelor’s Degree at the Faculty of Literature, Aichi University (1994)
  • Tourism Japanese – An Analysis of the Vocabulary of the Hato Bus Guide, Reinventing and Reviving the Future of Tourism in the Post Pandemi Era: Developing and Empowering Local Creativity and Innovation (Academia-Based Tourism Revival), 2022
  • 総体的視点から見た身体慣用句語彙考 その1―部門別意味分野別構造分析法による, The Journal of the Study of vocabulary (Goi Kenkyukai), 2021
  • Linguistics
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Language Skills
  • Tourism Japanese – An Analysis of the Vocabulary of the Hato Bus Guide, Reinventing and Reviving the Future of Tourism in the Post Pandemi Era: Developing and Empowering Local Creativity and Innovation (Academia-Based Tourism Revival), 2022
  • 総体的視点から見た身体慣用句語彙考 その1―部門別意味分野別構造分析法による, The Journal of the Study of vocabulary (Goi Kenkyukai), 2021
  • Linguistics
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Language Skills