Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Erwin Ardianto Halim, S.Sn., M.F.A., HDII

Erwin Ardianto Halim, S.Sn., M.F.A., HDII

Dosen Program Sarjana Desain Interior

NIK: 630039
NIDN: 0428128301

Profil Dosen

Erwin Ardianto Halim menempuh pendidikan S1 jurusan Desain Interior di Universitas Kristen Maranatha pada tahun 2003 dan melanjutkan pada program magister jurusan desain   arts di Guangxi Normal University pada tahun 2010. Sejak Program Sarjana sudah memiliki ketertarikan dalam meneliti potensi kekayaan budaya yang ada di Indonesia khususnya bidang Pattern, Interior dan Arsitektur. Diwujudkan melalui penelitian berjudul Developing The potential Patterns of Woven Fabrics East Sumba for Contemporary Product Design, Studi Tata Ruang Rumah Adat “Siwaluh Jabu” Desa Lingga, dan Chinese Acculturation of the Regent’s Residence, Keraton Sumenep, Indonesia. Sejak tahun 2020 aktif sebagai pengurus dalam Himpunan Desainer Interior Indonesia – Jawa Barat dan juga sebagai Desainer Interior secara profesional

Erwin Ardianto Halim pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design at Maranatha Christian University in 2003 and continued his studies in the Master’s program in Design Arts at Guangxi Normal University in 2010. Since his undergraduate program, he has been interested in researching the cultural heritage potential in Indonesia, particularly in the fields of Patterns, Interior, and Architecture. This interest has materialized through research projects titled “Developing The potential Patterns of Woven Fabrics East Sumba for Contemporary Product Design,” “Studi Tata Ruang Rumah Adat ‘Siwaluh Jabu’ Desa Lingga,” and “Chinese Acculturation of the Regent’s Residence, Keraton Sumenep, Indonesia.” Since 2020, he has been actively involved as a member of the Indonesian Interior Designers Association – West Java and works as a professional Interior Designer.

Erwin Ardianto Halim, S.Sn., M.F.A., HDII

Dosen Program Sarjana Desain Interior

NIK: 630039
NIDN: 0428128301

Profil Dosen

Erwin Ardianto Halim menempuh pendidikan S1 jurusan Desain Interior di Universitas Kristen Maranatha pada tahun 2003 dan melanjutkan pada program magister jurusan desain   arts di Guangxi Normal University pada tahun 2010. Sejak Program Sarjana sudah memiliki ketertarikan dalam meneliti potensi kekayaan budaya yang ada di Indonesia khususnya bidang Pattern, Interior dan Arsitektur. Diwujudkan melalui penelitian berjudul Developing The potential Patterns of Woven Fabrics East Sumba for Contemporary Product Design, Studi Tata Ruang Rumah Adat “Siwaluh Jabu” Desa Lingga, dan Chinese Acculturation of the Regent’s Residence, Keraton Sumenep, Indonesia. Sejak tahun 2020 aktif sebagai pengurus dalam Himpunan Desainer Interior Indonesia – Jawa Barat dan juga sebagai Desainer Interior secara profesional

Erwin Ardianto Halim pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design at Maranatha Christian University in 2003 and continued his studies in the Master’s program in Design Arts at Guangxi Normal University in 2010. Since his undergraduate program, he has been interested in researching the cultural heritage potential in Indonesia, particularly in the fields of Patterns, Interior, and Architecture. This interest has materialized through research projects titled “Developing The potential Patterns of Woven Fabrics East Sumba for Contemporary Product Design,” “Studi Tata Ruang Rumah Adat ‘Siwaluh Jabu’ Desa Lingga,” and “Chinese Acculturation of the Regent’s Residence, Keraton Sumenep, Indonesia.” Since 2020, he has been actively involved as a member of the Indonesian Interior Designers Association – West Java and works as a professional Interior Designer.

Himpunan Desainer Interior Indonesia (HDII)

2023 – 2026
HDII merupakan organisasi non profit profesi desainer interior dari berbagai pelosok tanah air di Indonesia bisa berhimpun bersama dalam meningkatkan apresiasi profesi

No. Tahun Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal
1. 2022 Chinese Acculturation of the Regent’s Residence, Keraton Sumenep, Indonesia ISVS E-Journal – Scopus Q1
2. 2023 Diverse Cultural Expressions of Vernacular Architecture of Eclectic Style: The Case of Dharma Rakhita Temple in Jamblang, Indonesia ISVS E-Journal – Scopus Q1
3. 2023 “Manmuli” Pattern in East Sumba Woven Fabric as Inspiration for “Kandunnu” Standing Lamp Using The IMOE Method ISVS E-Journal – Scopus Q1
4. 2023 Interpretations of Sumbanese Ikat by Instagram Influencers Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication – Scopus Q3
5. 2020 Studi Tata Ruang Rumah Adat “Siwaluh Jabu” Desa Lingga Jurnal Dimensi Seni Rupa dan Desain 16 (2), 167-174
6. 2021 Perubahan Fungsi Ruang Dalam Pada Keraton Kacirebonan Jurnal Dimensi Seni Rupa dan Desain 18 (1), 13-24
7. 2022 Chinese Acculturation of the Regent’s Residence, Keraton Sumenep, Indonesia ISVS E-Journal, 9 (4), 56
8. 2022 Kajian Ragam Hias Pada Rumah Adat Karo Ditinjau dari Etnomatematika Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI 5 (2), 274-280
10. 2022 การ จา แน ก กลุ่ม ชาติพันธุ์ ใน ลวดลาย ผ้า ทอ ของ ซัม บา ตะวันออก Identification of Ethnomathematics in East Sumba’s Woven Fabric Motifs The New Viridian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (3), 31-44
11. 2023 A Study of East Sumba Textile Handwoven Animals “Hinggi” Motifs Ikat in terms of Dualism and Triple Patterns Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities 10 (1), 57-65
12. 2023 Diverse Cultural Expressions of Vernacular Architecture of Eclectic Style: The Case of Dharma Rakhita Temple in Jamblang, Indonesia ISVS E-Journal 10 (7), 195-210
No. Tahun  Judul Penelitian
1. 2018 Perubahan Fungsi Ruang Pada Keraton Kacirebonan
2. 2020 Kajian Akulturasi Budaya Indies, Cina dan Madura pada Keraton Sumenep
3. 2021 Pemetaan Bangunan Dengan Pengaruh Arsitektur Belanda Dan Tionghoa Pada Pecinan Indramayu Jawa Barat
4. 2023 Developing The potential Patterns of Woven Fabric East Sumba For

Product Design Doctoral Degrees Dissertation Doctor of Philosophy in Design Arts

(International Program) | Faculty of Decorative Arts – Bangkok, Thailand

No.  Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
1. 2019 Interior Design and Graphic Design of Nyah Lasem Museum
2. 2020 6 Perancangan Desain Interior Gereja Batak Karo Protestan (GBKP) Bandung Barat
3. 2020 Perancangan Kawasan dan Desain Grafis, Taman Bermain Interaktif pada Area Eco Camp Bandung
4. 2020 Pendokumentasian Desain Interior dan Perancangan Buku Desain untuk Rumah Tegel, Lasem, Jawa Tengah Tahap 1
5. 2020 Pelatihan Pengolahan Bahan Keras “Gantungan Layu Bertekstur” Bagi Guru dan SIswa SMPK Trimulia HITS
6. 2020 Redesign Area Pelatihan dan Kerja Praktek di Perusahaan PT San Central Indah
7. 2021 Pelatihan Pengolahan Craft Corrugated Paper Motif Batik bagi Guru dan Siswa SMPK Trimulia HITS

Sertifikasi Dosen Profesional

Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology


Sertifikasi Tenaga Ahli Desain Interior kualifikasi Madya

LPKJ Indonesia


Pengguna Sketchup Bersertifikat

ACA Pasific


Trainer Sketchup Bersertifikat

ACA Pasific

No. Tahun  Judul Buku Penerbit
1. 2021 Research on Cyber Pedagogy in the COVID 19

Augmented Reality as Complementary Teaching Aids to Support Online Learning in The

Introduction and Development of Interior Materials

Novateur Publication
2. 2021 Ragam Pemikiran dalam Bidang Seni dan Desain: Telaah Filosofis, Pengembangan Kajian, dan Praktis

Inovasi Media Pembelajaran ELearningbagi Mahasiswa dalam Mata Kuliah Pengetahuan dan Perkembangan Material Interior

CV PACE – 2021

ISBN 978-623-95840-3-0

3. 2022 Profesionalisme Kewirausahaan

Kekuatan Detail Desain dalam Karya Adrian Hartanto

Zahir Publishing, Sleman, pp. 322-

331. ISBN 978-623-5705-71-2

Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah


Transforming Traditional Patterns Into Contemporary Design

Interior Design Methodology – Interior Design Guest Lecturer Series, Interior Binus Bandung


How to Kickstart Your Career as Freelance Interior Designer

Freelance Interior Designer Starter Pack, ROOMA


Sharing Scopus

FSRD Universitas Kristen Maranatha


The Giant Faith

Creator in residence – Creative District Urbanisation, Urban Ally x Silpakorn University – BKKDW 2023


Developing The potential Patterns of Woven Fabrics East Sumba for Contemporary Product Design

Gladi Nalar Activity , Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies Graduate School





New Normal Spice Museum Display International Forum on Maritime Spice Trading Routes and Cultural Encounters in Indo-Pacific: Past, Present and Future 15-16 June 2021 Faculty of Art and Design – Maranatha Christian University – Bandung, Indonesia



Network of Unity Bangkok Design Week 2022 – We Are Ready to CO (With) U! – 5-13 February 2022- Bangkok- Thailand



信任 trust – “Reliance” ASEDAS 2022 – The 3rd International Virtual Digital Art Exhibition – 2 July – 30 December 2022- Thailand



The Giant Faith – Bangkok Design Week 2023 – Urban Nice Zation, Bangkok- Thailand



Emerlard 1.0 – UNOFLATU “ Respirare Iterum” 2nd-7th June 2023, Faculty of Art and Design – Maranatha Christian University – Bandung, Indonesia



”Your personality Gold”, Design Match 2023 – The International Exhibiton, 10th July 2023 Ton Duc Thang University – Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam






Secretary of D3 Fashion Major Maranatha Christian University – Faculty of Art and Design, Maranatha Christian University



Coordinator of Domestic and Foreign Cooperation – Faculty of Art and Design, Maranatha Christian University



Head of Bachelor Program in Interior Design Departement






5 Digital Learning Innovation Grant Recipients


Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan


The Best Lecturer in the Teaching Field of Interior Design Study Program

Faculty Arts and Design, Universitas Kristen Maranatha


The Best Lecturer to the Community Service Interior Design Study Program

Faculty Arts and Design, Universitas Kristen Maranatha


The Best Lecturer in Tridarma and Pancadarma Interior Design Undergraduate Program

Faculty Arts and Design, Universitas Kristen Maranatha


The Best Lecturer of the Faculty of Community Service

Faculty Arts and Design, Universitas Kristen Maranatha


Digital Learning Innovation Grantee of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia


Himpunan Desainer Interior Indonesia (HDII)

2023 – 2026
HDII merupakan organisasi non profit profesi desainer interior dari berbagai pelosok tanah air di Indonesia bisa berhimpun bersama dalam meningkatkan apresiasi profesi

No. Tahun Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal
1. 2022 Chinese Acculturation of the Regent’s Residence, Keraton Sumenep, Indonesia ISVS E-Journal – Scopus Q1
2. 2023 Diverse Cultural Expressions of Vernacular Architecture of Eclectic Style: The Case of Dharma Rakhita Temple in Jamblang, Indonesia ISVS E-Journal – Scopus Q1
3. 2023 “Manmuli” Pattern in East Sumba Woven Fabric as Inspiration for “Kandunnu” Standing Lamp Using The IMOE Method ISVS E-Journal – Scopus Q1
4. 2023 Interpretations of Sumbanese Ikat by Instagram Influencers Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication – Scopus Q3
5. 2020 Studi Tata Ruang Rumah Adat “Siwaluh Jabu” Desa Lingga Jurnal Dimensi Seni Rupa dan Desain 16 (2), 167-174
6. 2021 Perubahan Fungsi Ruang Dalam Pada Keraton Kacirebonan Jurnal Dimensi Seni Rupa dan Desain 18 (1), 13-24
7. 2022 Chinese Acculturation of the Regent’s Residence, Keraton Sumenep, Indonesia ISVS E-Journal, 9 (4), 56
8. 2022 Kajian Ragam Hias Pada Rumah Adat Karo Ditinjau dari Etnomatematika Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI 5 (2), 274-280
10. 2022 การ จา แน ก กลุ่ม ชาติพันธุ์ ใน ลวดลาย ผ้า ทอ ของ ซัม บา ตะวันออก Identification of Ethnomathematics in East Sumba’s Woven Fabric Motifs The New Viridian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (3), 31-44
11. 2023 A Study of East Sumba Textile Handwoven Animals “Hinggi” Motifs Ikat in terms of Dualism and Triple Patterns Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities 10 (1), 57-65
12. 2023 Diverse Cultural Expressions of Vernacular Architecture of Eclectic Style: The Case of Dharma Rakhita Temple in Jamblang, Indonesia ISVS E-Journal 10 (7), 195-210
No. Tahun  Judul Penelitian
1. 2018 Perubahan Fungsi Ruang Pada Keraton Kacirebonan
2. 2020 Kajian Akulturasi Budaya Indies, Cina dan Madura pada Keraton Sumenep
3. 2021 Pemetaan Bangunan Dengan Pengaruh Arsitektur Belanda Dan Tionghoa Pada Pecinan Indramayu Jawa Barat
4. 2023 Developing The potential Patterns of Woven Fabric East Sumba For

Product Design Doctoral Degrees Dissertation Doctor of Philosophy in Design Arts

(International Program) | Faculty of Decorative Arts – Bangkok, Thailand

No.  Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
1. 2019 Interior Design and Graphic Design of Nyah Lasem Museum
2. 2020 6 Perancangan Desain Interior Gereja Batak Karo Protestan (GBKP) Bandung Barat
3. 2020 Perancangan Kawasan dan Desain Grafis, Taman Bermain Interaktif pada Area Eco Camp Bandung
4. 2020 Pendokumentasian Desain Interior dan Perancangan Buku Desain untuk Rumah Tegel, Lasem, Jawa Tengah Tahap 1
5. 2020 Pelatihan Pengolahan Bahan Keras “Gantungan Layu Bertekstur” Bagi Guru dan SIswa SMPK Trimulia HITS
6. 2020 Redesign Area Pelatihan dan Kerja Praktek di Perusahaan PT San Central Indah
7. 2021 Pelatihan Pengolahan Craft Corrugated Paper Motif Batik bagi Guru dan Siswa SMPK Trimulia HITS

Sertifikasi Dosen Profesional

Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology


Sertifikasi Tenaga Ahli Desain Interior kualifikasi Madya

LPKJ Indonesia


Pengguna Sketchup Bersertifikat

ACA Pasific


Trainer Sketchup Bersertifikat

ACA Pasific

Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah


Transforming Traditional Patterns Into Contemporary Design

Interior Design Methodology – Interior Design Guest Lecturer Series, Interior Binus Bandung


How to Kickstart Your Career as Freelance Interior Designer

Freelance Interior Designer Starter Pack, ROOMA


Sharing Scopus

FSRD Universitas Kristen Maranatha


The Giant Faith

Creator in residence – Creative District Urbanisation, Urban Ally x Silpakorn University – BKKDW 2023


Developing The potential Patterns of Woven Fabrics East Sumba for Contemporary Product Design

Gladi Nalar Activity , Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies Graduate School





New Normal Spice Museum Display International Forum on Maritime Spice Trading Routes and Cultural Encounters in Indo-Pacific: Past, Present and Future 15-16 June 2021 Faculty of Art and Design – Maranatha Christian University – Bandung, Indonesia



Network of Unity Bangkok Design Week 2022 – We Are Ready to CO (With) U! – 5-13 February 2022- Bangkok- Thailand



信任 trust – “Reliance” ASEDAS 2022 – The 3rd International Virtual Digital Art Exhibition – 2 July – 30 December 2022- Thailand



The Giant Faith – Bangkok Design Week 2023 – Urban Nice Zation, Bangkok- Thailand



Emerlard 1.0 – UNOFLATU “ Respirare Iterum” 2nd-7th June 2023, Faculty of Art and Design – Maranatha Christian University – Bandung, Indonesia



”Your personality Gold”, Design Match 2023 – The International Exhibiton, 10th July 2023 Ton Duc Thang University – Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam






Secretary of D3 Fashion Major Maranatha Christian University – Faculty of Art and Design, Maranatha Christian University



Coordinator of Domestic and Foreign Cooperation – Faculty of Art and Design, Maranatha Christian University



Head of Bachelor Program in Interior Design Departement






5 Digital Learning Innovation Grant Recipients


Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan


The Best Lecturer in the Teaching Field of Interior Design Study Program

Faculty Arts and Design, Universitas Kristen Maranatha


The Best Lecturer to the Community Service Interior Design Study Program

Faculty Arts and Design, Universitas Kristen Maranatha


The Best Lecturer in Tridarma and Pancadarma Interior Design Undergraduate Program

Faculty Arts and Design, Universitas Kristen Maranatha


The Best Lecturer of the Faculty of Community Service

Faculty Arts and Design, Universitas Kristen Maranatha


Digital Learning Innovation Grantee of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia