Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Arnold Maximillian, M.Ds., HDII

Arnold Maximillian, M.Ds., HDII

Dosen Program Sarjana Desain Interior

NIK: 630073
NIDN: 0427018603

Profil Dosen

Arnold Maximillian menempuh pendidikan S-1 Desain Interior dan S2- Magister Desain di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB. Selain bergerak dalam bidang akademis, ia juga berkarya profesional dalam bidang desain interior. Tergabung dalam asosiasi profesi Himpunan Desain Interior (HDII) Jawa Barat.

Arnold Maximillian studied at the Undergraduate Program in Interior Design and Graduate Program in Design at the Faculty of Arts and Design, ITB. Apart from making academic contributions, he also works in interior design. Member of the West Java chapter of Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII).

Arnold Maximillian, M.Ds., HDII

Dosen Program Sarjana Desain Interior

NIK: 630073
NIDN: 0427018603

Profil Dosen

Arnold Maximillian menempuh pendidikan S-1 Desain Interior dan S2- Magister Desain di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB. Selain bergerak dalam bidang akademis, ia juga berkarya profesional dalam bidang desain interior. Tergabung dalam asosiasi profesi Himpunan Desain Interior (HDII) Jawa Barat.

Arnold Maximillian studied at the Undergraduate Program in Interior Design and Graduate Program in Design at the Faculty of Arts and Design, ITB. Apart from making academic contributions, he also works in interior design. Member of the West Java chapter of Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (HDII).

Himpunan Desainer Interior Indonesia (HDII)

Artikel Ilmiah / Scientific Articles

No. Tahun  Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal
1. 2022 Adaptasi Penggayaan Eklektik pada Furnitur di Café dan Restoran Batik Keris Solo

Adaptation of Eclectic Enhancement in Furniture at Batik Keris Solo’s Cafés and Restaurants

Waca Cipta Ruang Vol. 8 No. 1


2. 2022 Kajian Konsep Adaptive Reuse Pada Desain Interior Galeri di Rumah Heritage Istana Batik Keris, Solo

Study of the Adaptive Reuse Concept in the Interior Design of the Gallery at the Heritage House of Batik Keris Palace, Solo

Senada (Seminar Nasional Manajemen, Desain dan Aplikasi Bisnis Teknologi) Vol. 5


3. 2023 Kajian Implementasi Konsep Green Design Pada Gedung Utama Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR)

Examination of the Implementation of the Green Design Concept in the Main Building of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR)

Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI Vol. 6 No. 1


4. 2023 Pendampingan Perancangan Desain Logo dan Plakat Galeri Investasi Edukasi di SMA Trinitas Bandung

Design Consultation for the Logo and Plaque of the Investment Education Gallery at SMA Trinitas Bandung

Jurnal Abdimas Ilmiah Citra Bakti Vol. 4 No. 2


5. 2023 Adaptive Reuse Study On The GKI Taman Cibunut Pastoral’s Room Function Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal Vol. 9 No. 2


6. 2023 Filosofi Tallu Lolona sebagai Ide Implementasi Perancangan Interior

The Philosophy of Tallu Lolona as an Idea for the Implementation of Interior Design

Jurnal Desain Vol. 10 No. 3


7. 2023 The Role of Interior Designers to Humanistic Design throughout a Framework of Social and Community Activites: Humanistic Design Servirisma Vol. 3 No. 2



Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah / Scientific Seminar Presenter

No. Tahun  Judul Makalah Seminar Ilmiah Nama Seminar Ilmiah
1. 2023 Adaptation of Urbal Renewal Marabunta Building as Restaurant and Bar Concept in the Old City Area of Semarang Bandung Creative Movement 2023


No. Tahun  Judul Penelitian
1. 2019 Strategi Preservasi Nilai Historis dan Religius Bangunan Gereja Tua (Studi Kasus: GKI Taman Cibunut Bandung)

Strategies for the Preservation of Historical and Religious Values of Old Church Buildings (A Case Study of GKI Taman Cibunut, Bandung)

2. 2020 Kajian Perubahan Fungsi Pastori Sebagai Penunjang Bangunan Cagar Budaya Tipe B GKI Taman Cibunut Bandung

Study on the Functional Changes of the Pastoral Residence as a Support for the B-type Cultural Heritage Building of GKI Taman Cibunut Bandung

3. 2021 Kajian Penerapan Elemen Pembentuk Ruang pada Desain Interior Café dan Restoran di Istana Batik Keris

Study of the Application of Space-forming Elements in the Interior Design of the Cafe and Restaurant at Istana Batik Keris

4. 2022 Kajian Konsep Adaptive Reuse Pada Desain Interior Galeri di Instana Batik Keris Solo

Study of the Adaptive Reuse Concept in the Interior Design of the Gallery at Batik Keris Palace Solo

5. 2023 Korelasi Revitalisasi Bangunan dan Gaya Hidup Urban Terhadap Pembentukan Suasana Ruang Marabunta Resto dan Bar di Semarang

Correlation between Building Revitalization and Urban Lifestyle in Shaping the Ambiance of Marabunta Resto and Bar in Semarang

No.  Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
1. 2020 Desain Armatur Ecocamp Bandung (Area Gerbang Masuk Utama & Area Makan Utama)
2. 2021 Pengukuran Lapangan Bangunan Untuk Digitalisasi (Rumah Tinggal Jln. Kencana 1, Bandung)
3. 2021 Re-desain Interior Bangunan Pendukung GKI Guntur (Rumah Tinggal Jln. Kencana 1, Bandung)
4. 2022 Proyek Kemanusiaan Dengan Organisasi Nirlaba Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi
5. 2023 Desain Fasilitas Duduk Amphitheater Kerjasama Universitas Kristen Maranatha dan Hotel GAIA Bandung

Asesor Kompetensi Tenaga Kerja Konstruksi Bidang Arsitektur



Sertifikasi Tenaga Ahli Desain Interior kualifikasi Utama


Himpunan Desainer Interior Indonesia (HDII)

Artikel Ilmiah / Scientific Articles

No. Tahun  Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal
1. 2022 Adaptasi Penggayaan Eklektik pada Furnitur di Café dan Restoran Batik Keris Solo

Adaptation of Eclectic Enhancement in Furniture at Batik Keris Solo’s Cafés and Restaurants

Waca Cipta Ruang Vol. 8 No. 1


2. 2022 Kajian Konsep Adaptive Reuse Pada Desain Interior Galeri di Rumah Heritage Istana Batik Keris, Solo

Study of the Adaptive Reuse Concept in the Interior Design of the Gallery at the Heritage House of Batik Keris Palace, Solo

Senada (Seminar Nasional Manajemen, Desain dan Aplikasi Bisnis Teknologi) Vol. 5


3. 2023 Kajian Implementasi Konsep Green Design Pada Gedung Utama Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR)

Examination of the Implementation of the Green Design Concept in the Main Building of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR)

Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI Vol. 6 No. 1


4. 2023 Pendampingan Perancangan Desain Logo dan Plakat Galeri Investasi Edukasi di SMA Trinitas Bandung

Design Consultation for the Logo and Plaque of the Investment Education Gallery at SMA Trinitas Bandung

Jurnal Abdimas Ilmiah Citra Bakti Vol. 4 No. 2


5. 2023 Adaptive Reuse Study On The GKI Taman Cibunut Pastoral’s Room Function Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal Vol. 9 No. 2


6. 2023 Filosofi Tallu Lolona sebagai Ide Implementasi Perancangan Interior

The Philosophy of Tallu Lolona as an Idea for the Implementation of Interior Design

Jurnal Desain Vol. 10 No. 3


7. 2023 The Role of Interior Designers to Humanistic Design throughout a Framework of Social and Community Activites: Humanistic Design Servirisma Vol. 3 No. 2



Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah / Scientific Seminar Presenter

No. Tahun  Judul Makalah Seminar Ilmiah Nama Seminar Ilmiah
1. 2023 Adaptation of Urbal Renewal Marabunta Building as Restaurant and Bar Concept in the Old City Area of Semarang Bandung Creative Movement 2023


No. Tahun  Judul Penelitian
1. 2019 Strategi Preservasi Nilai Historis dan Religius Bangunan Gereja Tua (Studi Kasus: GKI Taman Cibunut Bandung)

Strategies for the Preservation of Historical and Religious Values of Old Church Buildings (A Case Study of GKI Taman Cibunut, Bandung)

2. 2020 Kajian Perubahan Fungsi Pastori Sebagai Penunjang Bangunan Cagar Budaya Tipe B GKI Taman Cibunut Bandung

Study on the Functional Changes of the Pastoral Residence as a Support for the B-type Cultural Heritage Building of GKI Taman Cibunut Bandung

3. 2021 Kajian Penerapan Elemen Pembentuk Ruang pada Desain Interior Café dan Restoran di Istana Batik Keris

Study of the Application of Space-forming Elements in the Interior Design of the Cafe and Restaurant at Istana Batik Keris

4. 2022 Kajian Konsep Adaptive Reuse Pada Desain Interior Galeri di Instana Batik Keris Solo

Study of the Adaptive Reuse Concept in the Interior Design of the Gallery at Batik Keris Palace Solo

5. 2023 Korelasi Revitalisasi Bangunan dan Gaya Hidup Urban Terhadap Pembentukan Suasana Ruang Marabunta Resto dan Bar di Semarang

Correlation between Building Revitalization and Urban Lifestyle in Shaping the Ambiance of Marabunta Resto and Bar in Semarang

No.  Tahun Judul Pengabdian Masyarakat
1. 2020 Desain Armatur Ecocamp Bandung (Area Gerbang Masuk Utama & Area Makan Utama)
2. 2021 Pengukuran Lapangan Bangunan Untuk Digitalisasi (Rumah Tinggal Jln. Kencana 1, Bandung)
3. 2021 Re-desain Interior Bangunan Pendukung GKI Guntur (Rumah Tinggal Jln. Kencana 1, Bandung)
4. 2022 Proyek Kemanusiaan Dengan Organisasi Nirlaba Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi
5. 2023 Desain Fasilitas Duduk Amphitheater Kerjasama Universitas Kristen Maranatha dan Hotel GAIA Bandung

Asesor Kompetensi Tenaga Kerja Konstruksi Bidang Arsitektur



Sertifikasi Tenaga Ahli Desain Interior kualifikasi Utama
