Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity • Care • Excellence

Andi A. Hamzah, S.IP., M.Ds.

Andi A. Hamzah, S.IP., M.Ds.

Dosen Program Diploma Seni Rupa dan Desain

NIK: 610135
NIDN: 0419107302

Profil Dosen

Andi Aulia Hamzah adalah Dosen D3 Seni Rupa dan Desain, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD), Universitas Kristen Maranatha yang mulai berkarya sejak 2002. Andi dalam kesehariannya senang membaca buku, menjajal kuliner, bermain-main dengan komputer dan bereksperimen membuat website, dan belajar hal-hal menarik yang berkaitan dengan dunia seni dan fashion.

Jika tidak sedang sibuk mempersiapkan materi pengajaran di kelas, maka Andi dapat ditemui sibuk berkutat dengan hobby-nya mengkoleksi model kendaraan berskala 1/87. Atau menghabiskan waktu bercengkrama bersama keluarganya tercinta di rumah.

Andi A. Hamzah, S.IP., M.Ds.

Dosen Program Diploma Seni Rupa dan Desain

NIK: 610135
NIDN: 0419107302

Profil Dosen

Andi Aulia Hamzah adalah Dosen D3 Seni Rupa dan Desain, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD), Universitas Kristen Maranatha yang mulai berkarya sejak 2002. Andi dalam kesehariannya senang membaca buku, menjajal kuliner, bermain-main dengan komputer dan bereksperimen membuat website, dan belajar hal-hal menarik yang berkaitan dengan dunia seni dan fashion.

Jika tidak sedang sibuk mempersiapkan materi pengajaran di kelas, maka Andi dapat ditemui sibuk berkutat dengan hobby-nya mengkoleksi model kendaraan berskala 1/87. Atau menghabiskan waktu bercengkrama bersama keluarganya tercinta di rumah.

Asosiasi Pengrajin Alaskaki Indonesia (APAI)

2013 – now
A forum for communication and network development between craftsmen and activists in the Indonesian footwear industry

Analisis Kualitatif Tampilan Visual Pada Situs E-Learning

ITB Journal of Visual Art and Design Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2013

Description: This research attempts to identify the influence of visuals of e-learning websites on learning motivation. The investigated object is e-learning sites of ilmukomputer.com and pendidikan.ws, which presents differences of interactivity. Results of investigation on the visual appearance of both websites indicate that level of complexity of an e-learning website affects the presentation of information for learners. The presented visuals assist learners to dwelve into the subjects, visuals directly influence 33.5% of learners’ motivation. Therefore, one should emphasize visual preparation of information and instruction design when creating an e-learning website.

Pranala Luar: http://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/jvad/article/view/640


Pengaruh Tampilan Visual Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Berdasarkan Kategori Website E-Learning

Proceeding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi 2012 (SNATI 2012) – Yogyakarta

Description: This study seeks to see the effect of the visual appearance of the e-learning website on learning motivation. The aim is to test and analyze the effect of visual display on learning motivation based on the category of e-learning website. The research method used is explanatory research with the experimental method (within-subject). The sample population is Maranatha Christian University students. Samples were selected from students of the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Fine Arts, Maranatha Christian University using a purposive sampling technique of 135 people. The results of the study (1) the e-learning website category has a direct influence on the visual appearance of the e-learning website by 24%. (2) There is a positive and significant effect between the visual appearance of the e-learning website on motivation with F (64,826) and the coefficient of determination (0.416). (3) There is a positive and significant effect between the visual appearance of the e-learning website on learning motivation with a value of r = 0.579 or 33.5%. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the visual appearance of the e-learning website has a positive and significant influence on learning motivation but is not influenced by the category of the e-learning website. However, keep in mind that this research is a component related to visuals in solving problems in the development of e-learning websites.

Pranala Luar: http://journal.uii.ac.id/index.php/Snati/article/view/2909


Transportasi Umum sebagai Kunci dalam Perspektif Community Well-Being di Kota Bandung

Proceeding Konferensi Nasional Optimalisasi Community Well-being dalam Perspektif Multidisipliner 2015 – Bandung

Description: Community well-being or community welfare according to Wiseman and Brasher (2008) is a concept of welfare resulting from a combination of social, economic, environmental, cultural, and political conditions that influence individuals and groups to fulfill their needs or develop their potential. Indonesia in its constitution has also mandated the welfare of its citizens. The government strives to realize welfare and social justice for all Indonesian people, especially in terms of social welfare, economy, politics, health, education, security, housing, and other infrastructure. In realizing this, public policy is very vital in shaping the welfare of society. A simple form of measuring people’s welfare can be seen in the patterns of public transportation in each city. Often transportation in Indonesia is something that is not paid much attention to until the occurrence of problems that interfere with life, especially urban communities. For example, it can be seen from the complexity of the conditions of public transportation in the city of Bandung which is focused on the concept of City Transportation or Angkot. Transportation is an important thing in today’s life because it involves the mobility of individuals from one place to another. But managing transportation needs to pay attention to the convenience of the public in accessing it. Inconvenient public transportation makes people lazy to use it. If conditions are improved by setting new standards and public policies are made to optimize the welfare of the community, the impact will be felt on the welfare of the community. Economic activities will run better because of the opening of opportunities and public access to art can be achieved because the basic needs of individuals are met. People will be able to be creative and think about enjoying culture and art.


Penerapan Desain dan Teknologi pada Pembuatan Desain Seragam Munas Hakka 2016

Proceeding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (SENDIMAS) 2017 vol. 2 no. 1 – Bandung

Description: Community service is an activity that must be carried out by universities to the community and one of them is the community who asks for expertise assistance. Community Hakka Bandung Community as one of the community members submitted a request for assistance in making designs to the Faculty of Art and Design, Maranatha Christian University. One of those who were asked for assistance was the making of the 2016 Hakka National Conference uniform design. The methods used were library research, making several alternative designs, design presentations, and making digital documents from uniform design prototypes. This process took three months from June to September 2016. The final design was realized in a motif that has elements that are closely related to Chinese in Indonesia and is represented by three main elements in it, namely the illustration of the Pan Chang Knot Tali, the vine motif. Megamendung plant and cloud motif. These three elements are arranged on a pattern inspired by the kawung batik motif. This motif is dominated by red, yellow-gold, and cream colors. This motif is a symbol of a prayer so that the 2016 Hakka National Conference held in Bandung runs smoothly and successfully.

Pengaruh Tampilan Visual terhadap Motivasi Belajar Berdasarkan Kategori Website E-Learning

Intitut Teknologi Bandung – 2011

Live-In “Serve from our Heart” di Pugeran, Wonosari

Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2012


Pelatihan Penguatan Kapasitas Petugas Promosi Kesehatan Puskesmas dan Pelaksana Teknis di Kabupaten Sukabumi dalam Pengembangan Media Penyuluhan

Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Kab. Sukabumi – 2012


Live-In di Desa Trucuk, Klaten

Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2013


Competition Judge in English Language and Culture Festival 2013

D-III English Program Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2013


Pembicara dalam Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Senat dan Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum UK. Maranatha

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2013


Pembicara dalam Pembekalan Kepemimpinan Berkelanjutan Fakultas Hukum UK. Maranatha

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2013


Pembicara dalam Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan “Care For Teamwork” Fakultas Hukum UK. Maranatha

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2014


Konsultores dalam Family Gathering 2014: Cita-Citaku Sahabatku

Percik Insani – 2014


Juri karya prototype pada kegiatan IFDC 2015 di Jakarta

Asosiasi Persepatuan Indonesia (Aprisindo) – 2015


Juri pada Penjurian Tahap II (Final) Lomba Desain Alas Kaki Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2015 dengan tema “Global Transportation” di Sidoarjo Jatim

Balai Pengembangan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) Sidoarjo – 2015


Pengabdian masyarakat di Munas Hakka dengan topik Pembuatan Desain Visual untuk Munas Hakka

Komunitas Hakka Bandung – 2016
Making uniform designs to be worn during the Munas Hakka.


Sertifikat Asesor – 2018

A certificate given to someone who has the right to conduct an assessment of a competency, according to the scope of the assessment. Where the assessor will be authorized to assess and decide on the results of the Competency Test, that the test participant has met the required evidence to be declared competent or not yet competent in the competency unit being assessed and recommends the results to the assigned LSP and BNSP.



Sertifikat Pendidik – 2017

Certificate on creativity and quality of lecturer performance as evidence of quality assurance for Indonesian lecturers.

Asosiasi Pengrajin Alaskaki Indonesia (APAI)

2013 – now
A forum for communication and network development between craftsmen and activists in the Indonesian footwear industry

Analisis Kualitatif Tampilan Visual Pada Situs E-Learning

ITB Journal of Visual Art and Design Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2013

Description: This research attempts to identify the influence of visuals of e-learning websites on learning motivation. The investigated object is e-learning sites of ilmukomputer.com and pendidikan.ws, which presents differences of interactivity. Results of investigation on the visual appearance of both websites indicate that level of complexity of an e-learning website affects the presentation of information for learners. The presented visuals assist learners to dwelve into the subjects, visuals directly influence 33.5% of learners’ motivation. Therefore, one should emphasize visual preparation of information and instruction design when creating an e-learning website.

Pranala Luar: http://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/jvad/article/view/640


Pengaruh Tampilan Visual Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Berdasarkan Kategori Website E-Learning

Proceeding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi 2012 (SNATI 2012) – Yogyakarta

Description: This study seeks to see the effect of the visual appearance of the e-learning website on learning motivation. The aim is to test and analyze the effect of visual display on learning motivation based on the category of e-learning website. The research method used is explanatory research with the experimental method (within-subject). The sample population is Maranatha Christian University students. Samples were selected from students of the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Fine Arts, Maranatha Christian University using a purposive sampling technique of 135 people. The results of the study (1) the e-learning website category has a direct influence on the visual appearance of the e-learning website by 24%. (2) There is a positive and significant effect between the visual appearance of the e-learning website on motivation with F (64,826) and the coefficient of determination (0.416). (3) There is a positive and significant effect between the visual appearance of the e-learning website on learning motivation with a value of r = 0.579 or 33.5%. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the visual appearance of the e-learning website has a positive and significant influence on learning motivation but is not influenced by the category of the e-learning website. However, keep in mind that this research is a component related to visuals in solving problems in the development of e-learning websites.

Pranala Luar: http://journal.uii.ac.id/index.php/Snati/article/view/2909


Transportasi Umum sebagai Kunci dalam Perspektif Community Well-Being di Kota Bandung

Proceeding Konferensi Nasional Optimalisasi Community Well-being dalam Perspektif Multidisipliner 2015 – Bandung

Description: Community well-being or community welfare according to Wiseman and Brasher (2008) is a concept of welfare resulting from a combination of social, economic, environmental, cultural, and political conditions that influence individuals and groups to fulfill their needs or develop their potential. Indonesia in its constitution has also mandated the welfare of its citizens. The government strives to realize welfare and social justice for all Indonesian people, especially in terms of social welfare, economy, politics, health, education, security, housing, and other infrastructure. In realizing this, public policy is very vital in shaping the welfare of society. A simple form of measuring people’s welfare can be seen in the patterns of public transportation in each city. Often transportation in Indonesia is something that is not paid much attention to until the occurrence of problems that interfere with life, especially urban communities. For example, it can be seen from the complexity of the conditions of public transportation in the city of Bandung which is focused on the concept of City Transportation or Angkot. Transportation is an important thing in today’s life because it involves the mobility of individuals from one place to another. But managing transportation needs to pay attention to the convenience of the public in accessing it. Inconvenient public transportation makes people lazy to use it. If conditions are improved by setting new standards and public policies are made to optimize the welfare of the community, the impact will be felt on the welfare of the community. Economic activities will run better because of the opening of opportunities and public access to art can be achieved because the basic needs of individuals are met. People will be able to be creative and think about enjoying culture and art.


Penerapan Desain dan Teknologi pada Pembuatan Desain Seragam Munas Hakka 2016

Proceeding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (SENDIMAS) 2017 vol. 2 no. 1 – Bandung

Description: Community service is an activity that must be carried out by universities to the community and one of them is the community who asks for expertise assistance. Community Hakka Bandung Community as one of the community members submitted a request for assistance in making designs to the Faculty of Art and Design, Maranatha Christian University. One of those who were asked for assistance was the making of the 2016 Hakka National Conference uniform design. The methods used were library research, making several alternative designs, design presentations, and making digital documents from uniform design prototypes. This process took three months from June to September 2016. The final design was realized in a motif that has elements that are closely related to Chinese in Indonesia and is represented by three main elements in it, namely the illustration of the Pan Chang Knot Tali, the vine motif. Megamendung plant and cloud motif. These three elements are arranged on a pattern inspired by the kawung batik motif. This motif is dominated by red, yellow-gold, and cream colors. This motif is a symbol of a prayer so that the 2016 Hakka National Conference held in Bandung runs smoothly and successfully.

Pengaruh Tampilan Visual terhadap Motivasi Belajar Berdasarkan Kategori Website E-Learning

Intitut Teknologi Bandung – 2011

Live-In “Serve from our Heart” di Pugeran, Wonosari

Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2012


Pelatihan Penguatan Kapasitas Petugas Promosi Kesehatan Puskesmas dan Pelaksana Teknis di Kabupaten Sukabumi dalam Pengembangan Media Penyuluhan

Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Kab. Sukabumi – 2012


Live-In di Desa Trucuk, Klaten

Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2013


Competition Judge in English Language and Culture Festival 2013

D-III English Program Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2013


Pembicara dalam Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Senat dan Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum UK. Maranatha

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2013


Pembicara dalam Pembekalan Kepemimpinan Berkelanjutan Fakultas Hukum UK. Maranatha

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2013


Pembicara dalam Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan “Care For Teamwork” Fakultas Hukum UK. Maranatha

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha – 2014


Konsultores dalam Family Gathering 2014: Cita-Citaku Sahabatku

Percik Insani – 2014


Juri karya prototype pada kegiatan IFDC 2015 di Jakarta

Asosiasi Persepatuan Indonesia (Aprisindo) – 2015


Juri pada Penjurian Tahap II (Final) Lomba Desain Alas Kaki Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2015 dengan tema “Global Transportation” di Sidoarjo Jatim

Balai Pengembangan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) Sidoarjo – 2015


Pengabdian masyarakat di Munas Hakka dengan topik Pembuatan Desain Visual untuk Munas Hakka

Komunitas Hakka Bandung – 2016
Making uniform designs to be worn during the Munas Hakka.


Sertifikat Asesor – 2018

A certificate given to someone who has the right to conduct an assessment of a competency, according to the scope of the assessment. Where the assessor will be authorized to assess and decide on the results of the Competency Test, that the test participant has met the required evidence to be declared competent or not yet competent in the competency unit being assessed and recommends the results to the assigned LSP and BNSP.



Sertifikat Pendidik – 2017

Certificate on creativity and quality of lecturer performance as evidence of quality assurance for Indonesian lecturers.