Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain UK Maranatha

Integrity β€’ Care β€’ Excellence


Januari 2024


AQAS Visitation
Universitas Kristen Maranatha
9:00 am

On 29 January 2024-2 February 2024, the three Bachelor Programme at the Faculty of Languages and Cultures will be visitied by AQAS, The Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs.Β 

This visitation is the part of the faculty’s and university’s effort to pursue international accreditations for the Bachelor Programme in English, Bachelor Programme in Chinese, and Bachelor Programme in Japanese.


Januari 2024


AQAS Visitation (28 Jan – 2 Feb 2024)
Universitas Kristen Maranatha
9:00 am

The AQAS representatives and team of experts visited Universitas Kristen Maranatha to assess three study program under the Faculty of Languages and Cultures:
1. Bachelor Programme in English

2. Bachelor Programme in Japanese

3. Bachelor Programme in Chinese

The assessment began on Tue, 30 Jan with the discussion with the Senior Management of the University. The process ended on Thursday, 1 February 2024 with the feedback to the university from the team of experts.

AQAS consultants are represented by Ms. Vi Le and Ms. Maria Rentmeister.

The team of experts member:

  1. Prof. Dr. Andreas Rohde (Univ. of Cologne, English Department II, Professor of English as Foreign Language and Linguistics)
  2. Prof. Dr. Judit Arokay (Heidelberg University, Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Professor in Japanese Studies
  3. Prof. Dr. Thomas Zimmer (Tongji University Shanghai, Distinguished Research Professor at the Centre for Chinese German Cultural and Social Exchange
  4. Dr. Anne Guenther (Lehren und Lernen – Digital and Instructor of Business English at the Business School F and U Schule Niedersachsen Goettingen)
  5. Mr. Romulo Luzia de Araujo (Master Student of English Linguistics and Digital Humanities, University of Paderborn)

Teaching Staff of the Bachelor Programme in English

Introduction Session

Discussion with the university

AQAS consultants and experts visited the Culinary Lab


Desember 2023


Faculty of Languages and Cultures Staff End Year Festive
Maxi's Resto

The Faculty of Languages and Cultures held its annual End Year Festive with all the staff on 20 December 2023 located at Maxi’s Resto.

This annual event is held to bring the big family of the Faculty of Languages and Cultures closer to each other.

September 2023


Critical Island Studies Small Talks
3:00 pm

The Faculty of Languages and Cultures, collaborated with the Critical Island Studies Consortium held an online small talk on 29 September 2023. The speakers are coming from five different countries and each of them share an inspiring research for both lecturers and students participants.

Agustus 2023


Santuy Sore #15 FUN AND ALIVE! With Faculty of Arts and Design
Teras FSRD (Balcony), 4th Floor of Gedung B (ONSITE)

Halo Sobat kreatif #frsdmaranatha! Santuy Sore kembali lagi nih. Bagi yang belum tau Santuy Sore itu apa, Mimin bantu jelasin ya 😊 Jadi seperti namanya, Santuy Sore adalah acara santai untuk mengenal FSRD lebih dalam melalui sharing mahasiswa/alumni Fashion, Seni Rupa Murni, DKV, Desain Interior, dan Arsitektur.

Oh iya temen-temen, fun fact nih ternyata Santuy Sore #15 kali ini pertama kalinya diadakan secara on-site, lho! Selain sharing dari mahasiswa/alumni, nantinya bakal ada live music dan kopi sore di teras FSRD yang bikin suasana lebih hidup dan fun. Makin seru dong ya kan!😁

Yuk datang dan ramaikan Santuy Sore #15
πŸ“…Jumat, 25 Agustus 2023
πŸ•’ 15.00 – 17.00 WIB
πŸ“Teras FSRD (Balcony), 4th Floor of Gedung B (ONSITE)
Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Jl. Prof. drg. Surya Sumantri, M.P.H. No. 65

Acara ini terbuka bagi mahasiswa baru FSRD 2023 dan temen-temen yang berminat masuk FSRD dengan kuota terbatas jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan, ya! Sampai ketemu di hari Jumat!πŸ˜„

Pendaftaran melalui https://bit.ly/SantuySore15 atau QR code sampai dengan 23 Agustus 2023. CP: Tassya 0858-1089-8561.

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